My Summer Project: a Book

I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, but as faithful readers have noticed, it hasn’t been in the blog. What’s the cause of the post slowdown? I’ve taken on a project that I hope you’ll be excited about. This Spring, Packt approached me about writing an Alfresco developer’s guide. Honestly, I went back-and-forth with the idea. Ultimately, it was the encouragement from readers that swayed my decision.

I began writing on President’s Day. I thought the Alfresco Developer Series articles would be a good start and would save some time, and they have, but they represent a relatively small portion of the overall work and I’m doing a fair amount of restructuring of that content. The current schedule has the writing finishing up toward the end of summer with us going to press some time after that.

Optaros is fully behind the project–there’s no way I could do this without their support. Alfresco is excited about it too, although we’re all expecting the timing to be a bit tricky with 3.0 coming out in roughly the same time frame. I’m currently making sure all example code runs on both the latest Enterprise release as well as the latest Community release–we’ll see if I can keep that up. It remains to be seen how much of the new 3.0 web client I’ll be able to cover based on the timing.

So that’s why posts and comment responses have slowed down a bit. I think I’ve caught up on responding to comments (and keep those coming, by the way). If you posted a comment within the last month or so and never saw anything from me, you might have a look to see if I’ve addressed your question, especially on the Web Scripts as Liferay Portlets post, which saw a lot of activity.


  1. Justin Luzier says:

    I’m very excited about your book endeavor. As a new comer to ECM and Alfresco, I’m finding your blog extremely useful in demystifying both. The book will be a great way to bring it all together.

    As a side note, I used to work for Bob Gett during the Viant days (NY and Dallas).

  2. davo says:

    This is great news. I’ll certainly be pre-ordering it once it appears on the Packt site.

    I hope that you do manage to cover 3.0 stuff as the one minor criticism I have of Packt’s last Alfresco book was that it did not cover enough features of the current version (it omitted complex workflows and WCM).


  3. Rob says:

    Looking forward for the book, I have been struggling some time to create a (very) advanced workflow including copying metadata from workflow to document and vice versa as well as restarting a killed workflow on a document at the point where the workflow was before it became killed. Had to do a lot of finding out myself using the pieces of information from the Alfresco forums and your great articles. I hope you cover a lot of advanced programming techniques in advanced workflow definition and thereby rise far above the one and only book on Alfresco available. (When interested I can send you my latest version of the advanced workflow I created).

  4. mabayona says:


    as I said in a previous comment it is a GOOD IDEA that you write a book about developping in Alfresco.

    Count on me if you like to get comments or proof-reading of the not yet written in stone chapters.

    Anyway, let us know when we can pre-order.


  5. mabayona says:

    Do not forget a good explanation for workflow´s businnes logic in javascript and the different variable access between process variables, task variables and jbpm native (since this are is full of loopholes).

  6. Vašek Belák says:

    Exciting news! Developer series is definitely one of the best sources for programming on the top of Alfresco.

    I’m looking forward to order your book;).

    Good luck!

  7. Raju Bitter says:

    Great news, Jeff! As a fellow Optarian I’m eagerly awaiting the book. Hope you manage to dedicate enough time to the book to get it out quickly! Cheers…

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