Tag: Custom Actions

Alfresco Tutorial: Custom actions including Share configuration

I’ve published a revision of my original Alfresco custom actions tutorial. The second edition greatly expands on the first by adding a UI action example. The original included only a rule action example. Just like the second edition of the content types tutorial, I’ve added instructions on how to configure the actions in Alfresco Share. The Alfresco Explorer steps are still there–they’ve been moved to the Appendix.

The code that accompanies the tutorial builds on the content types tutorial, so it includes the SomeCo content model and the user interface configuration needed to expose that to the Alfresco Share and Alfresco Explorer user interface.

This should be helpful to anyone who read the first edition who now wants to learn how to do the same thing using Alfresco Share, including some of the new extension points available in Alfresco 4.

Take a look and tell me what you think.