Pawan Kumar has posted a good, high-level overview of Alfresco WCM over at Packt Publishing‘s web site.
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Pawan Kumar has posted a good, high-level overview of Alfresco WCM over at Packt Publishing‘s web site.
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Hi there
You’ve quite a number of pages on Alfresco. They appear to be a new company, but going places.
If you had the bucks for either them or say proprietary offering with a proven record like fatwire which would you choose?… or suggest guidence?
Keep it up!
It’s hard to recommend the right solution without knowing the specifics of what you are trying to accomplish. Regarding track record, I have worked on many Alfresco implementations and have no qualms whatsoever about recommending it when it is the right fit for the client. Alfresco has been implemented at a number of major companies across all industries in all parts of the globe. Implementations have ranged from departmental document management solutions with a handful of users to major rollouts with hundreds of thousands of documents and thousands of users.
Clients should keep in mind, however, that Alfresco for document management has a more proven track record than Alfresco for web content management. The web content management functionality was introduced in the spring of this year and hasn’t yet achieved widespread production rollout.
Working for an open source consultancy like I do, perhaps I’m biased, but, generally speaking, I’d rather spend my money on maintenance and customization services than wasting it on up front licensing. The commercial software model is dying. And acceptance of open source within large enterprises is moving up the stack to include solutions like ECM. So if my budget is limited (and who’s isn’t), I’m going to start by exhausting open source options first and go with a commercial vendor only as a last resort.
hi jeff
is there any custom content model for WCM..