Over thirty people showed up for the first-ever Alfresco Meet-up today at the Christian Science Monitor in Boston. Russ Danner, Christian Science Monitor developer, opened up the day with a short overview on Alfresco. I then led a short discussion on Alfresco as a platform which included talking about what Alfresco should and shouldn’t be used for. (Here‘s my deck. I’ve made small tweaks for clarification purposes.) Sumer Jabri, a consultant from D.C.-based Rivet Logic, drilled down on the Alfresco architecture. Sumer did a great job.
As is often the case, the most valuable tidbits came up during the roundtable discussion at the end of the day. Russ led the discussion but several others, including both integrators (Optaros, Eyestreet, Rivet Logic) and end-users (Shimano, MIT, Harvard, Kaplan), participated. The liveliest topic was why Alfresco WCM was rolled out without a practical static content deployment approach. Other topics included Liferay-Alfresco integration, JCR, and plans for future Meet-Ups.
Multiple participants said they were interested in seeing more case studies from production implementations. Everyone agreed the session was valuable. Thanks again, Russ, for putting it together.