Today we had another Live Alfresco Office Hours session on Google Hangouts on Air. If you missed it, here is the recording. Below that I’ve got rough notes on what was discussed.
What’s new in Alfresco 4.2.d Community Edition
- New Share look-and-feel, including ribbon
- My Files
- Shared Files
- Document library enhancements (Filmstrip view, Table view)
- Saved search
- Folder Templates in Share (Yes, rules come across)
- Manage permissions
- Admin console
- User Trashcan
Did you know you can do a proximity search? Allows you to search for words within a specified proximity of one other. Examples: big *(2) apple finds results where those two words are within two words of each other.
Did you know you can index inside of zips? There is a setting that must be changed in order to enable this.
Did you know you can use the “ALL” keyword to search all metadata instead of the default fields that are normally indexed? Example: ALL:SomeCo finds any document with “SomeCo” in any property. (Thanks, Peter Lofgren, who contributed that tidbit via IRC during the session).
Nightly build now includes PT and Norwegian language packs, both community contributions.
Question from IRC: Alfresco and NoSQL–Any plans to support NoSQL as a back-end for metadata?
- The Big Data Server is still on the roadmap
- Lots of people publish content out of Alfresco to a NoSQL target
- Other than that, no plans
Alfresco Summit – Don’t miss out, register at
Alfresco community survey
- Please help Richard and I make plans for the community by answering this survey today!
- Could win $250 Amazon gift card
- Deadline is October 3 at midnight, US/Central
REMINDER: Alfresco Forge will be turned off completely in December. Add-Ons that point to Forge will be deleted on December 1.
Next Tech Talk Live is October 2. We’ll be talking to Dave Draper about Share customizations in 4.2
Recent meetups:
- New York, September 24.
- Chicago, September 25.
Upcoming meetups:
- Seville, October 8.
- Madrid, October 18
- Leuven, Friday December 13.
- Helsinki, TBD
Thanks to everyone who joined us live or watched the recording. We’ll do it again in two weeks.