Alfresco Software, Inc. has announced that DevCon 2019 will be in Edinburgh, Scotland from January 29 – 31.
Registration opens August 1st with Early Bird registrations costing €199. Full Regular Admissions will be €249.
The format of the conference is the same as past conferences: The first day will be a hack-a-thon followed by two full days of conference sessions.
The conference would be nothing without great content so you should submit a talk. This is a technical conference, so technical how-to’s, technical case studies, and deep dives are all areas to consider. There will be 30-minute sessions, 45-minute sessions, lightning talks, and longer workshops.
I’m excited to see DevCon happening again. It’s always fun to catch up in-person with members of the community and to hear what everyone’s been working on.
I’m less excited about the venue. Don’t get me wrong–I want to visit Scotland. Just not in January. Last year, when Scotland was mentioned as a possibility, even the Scots in the audience were like, “Please, no! Don’t come to Scotland in January!”. But I guess it’s a way for Alfresco to cut costs. They often bring lots of engineers so reducing travel costs from London can make a big difference in the budget for the event.
Oh well, this isn’t a vacation and most of our time will be spent indoors attending sessions from the community and the Alfresco engineers, so grab a sweater, get registered, and we’ll see you in January!