Optaros and Alfresco are co-hosting a Surf 3.0 Code Camp in New York City on November 10th. The purpose of the camp is to get attendees up-and-running with Alfresco’s new web application development framework, Surf. The camp will run all day and into the evening.
I’ll be leading the camp by taking you through some prepared material and hands-on exercises. I’ll have a virtual machine prepared with everything on it so hopefully we won’t have to spend a lot of time getting everyone set up. The labs start with a simple Share dashlet and grow progressively more complex until you finally have a functioning Surf-based application that is making remote calls to the Alfresco repository.
After we work through the labs we’ll spend some time picking apart the Status and Bookmark components we recently built and then you’ll get a chance to talk about your own plans for Surf-based apps. This less formal “workshop” part of the day is your opportunity to start applying what you’ve learned and learn from and help others. Maybe you’ve got a great idea for a Surf component but you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’ve got something already planned out but you’re looking for some help knocking out code.
My European friends will have to wait until the new year–I’ll be facilitating the Munich Code Camp in January. There are other partner-hosted Code Camps planned for Chicago, LA, and DC. Exact dates for these camps are still being worked out–DC sounds like it may happen in December while the rest will be in January.
These events are free but you must sign up and space is extremely limited.
This just in: Nancy Garrity, Alfresco Community Czar, says she’ll give a Chumby to the best Surf component submitted from Camp attendees. We’ll have more details on that during Camp.
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