I haven’t read it yet, but I’m excited to see that Tijs Rademakers’ new book on Activiti has finally gone to print. Several people have had access for some time through Manning’s Early Access Program (MEAP) so hopefully we’ll start to see some feedback on the book soon.
To celebrate, Manning has been kind enough to let me give away at least one copy of the book to readers of my blog. Respond to this post and I’ll pick a name at random from all of the responses I receive by noon Central/US time on Friday, July 20. It would be cool if you’d say how you are using Activiti (or how you are planning to use Activiti) but don’t feel like you have to make up something. One entry per person, void where prohibited, yada yada yada.
UPDATE: The contest is over. The winners have been selected and notified. The winners were jeanjot, Remy Girodon, and Ben Graham. Congratulations!
If you didn’t win and would like to purchase the book, Manning has provided a discount code for 37% off when purchased from http://manning.com/rademakers2/. Just use 12aiajp when you checkout.
Hi Jeff, I’m really interested in reading the book.
Kind regards
Activiti in Public Sector and Education Management in Greece? Could that be realistis? We ‘ll see …
We all definitely need an easy to implement workflow engine. Big solutions aka EMC’s, IBM’s are expensive to buy and expensive to implement/cusomize.
That’s really a nice thing to hear. Too bad I already bought my copy then
Good luck to all the contenders!
I have never tried Activity BPM. I have experience on JBPM and savvion BPM. So this can be the time I can plan building some processes using open source Activiti.
We develop our business processes using activiti after it was included in alfresco (3.4.e). Now we have many business processes, such as review, endorsement, acquaint and many others. In our project we have many types of documents, but its have many similar parts in their lifecycles and we reuse our processes for that purpose.
Hoping to start using Activiti soon, is it easier to work with than jbpm?
We’r trying to adopt Activity as a workflow tool inside our administrative suite.
thankyou very much.
We use Activiti for a tarification workflow.
Hope to win the book
Just curious to learn about a state of the art business process package.
First post! :p
Hey Jeff,
I am using alfresco in one of projects and we used to have JBPM, and now activiti is out here, which we really like to explore.
Could you please send us the free copy of Activiti in Action
I don`t use Activiti yet, but I like to learn about it.
Hi Jeff,
would like to manage invoice processing and image processing in my company with activity. This book would be a nice start..
Best regards
Thanks for your blog, very informatve
Oh, I would love one!
I’m coming from Oracle Soa Suite And BPEL BPM. I’m looking for Enterprise Open Source alternative.
I like it
Hi Jeff,
We’re integrating Activiti into our existing J2EE and ESB architectures to provide ad hoc workflow capabilities in our SaaS Vendor Management System. We’re about 8 weeks in so this book is very timely!
Best Regards,
I need to upgrade from 3.4 to 4.0 and switch from JPBM to Activiti. Bet this book would be helpful…
great to know the book is shipping. wanna know more about the cool process engine!
This might be the BOOK of the Year!!!
Always interested in new O.S. tools regarding BPM orchestration and choreography.
Will be using Alfresco and so also Activiti
I’m part of a team that recommends development technologies for a large public institution. BPM, and Activiti in particular, is on my list of interests, among many other things.
Just heard about the give away and since I’ve been working with IBM BPM (you may read about it on my blog) I wish I could read/experience how it is to work with Activity. Count me in!
It would be nice to get it :-). Keep up the good work!
Hi, Added activiti as internal BPM tool, very nice product. Could use the book as well
I am ussing Appian BPM. Would love to learn more about Activiti and compare it Appian.
Working on an Activiti workflow in Alfresco at the moment while reading your latest “Advanced Workflows” chapter
Salut Jeff
Bonitasoft ou Activiti ???
Activiti ou Bonitasoft ???
Boniviti ou Actitasoft ???
Actitasoft ou Boniviti ???
Sans problème je choisie Actviti
Merci à Manning Publication pour la publication de ce livre.
Hello, I manage Startup company that is writing java based web applications. We are using Play!Framework. Now, we need to append business processes into current project. We have used Alfresco then we want to use Activity as our BPM. Official documentation isn’t bad, but the book’ll help us a lot.
Best regards.
We develop using Liferay Portal and muleESB. Activiti would fit very well in many scenarios, and would be very interested in the book!
Best Regards
I am trying to integrate Activity in our ERP software to give customers the chance to control their business processes (and associated dialogs) inside our software.
i would love a copy. We are always doing workflow in projects.
Hi Jeff,
We have just started on a POC for alfresco and I will be interested in reading the book.
Thank you in advance.
For free? It interests me
Looking forward to read this book, BPM can be applied to every business area, awesome topic.
We’re planning to use Alfresco in G2C services. As Activiti is available as part of the Alfresco we’ll use it as the engine for the document submission and retrieval workflows.
I’m new to Activiti so I would like to learn more about it and see if I can make it work for us here. Thanks! –Sean
See how it compares to other BPM’s