Month: January 2003


Dad bought a sailboat! He’s had the itch ever since we got our cert. I told him to relax and let’s do some crewing and some renting but he was really pumped. When he found a marina less than 20 miles from his house I think that really clinched it. I haven’t talked to him yet so I’m just guessing.

Here’s the boat.

Here’s a good description of the same model, three years older.

The boat is in Marina del Rey. It sounds like the plan is to fly out there and sail it to Santa Catalina to give it one last look at the sea before being landlocked in a Texas lake.

Blogging as the next big thing

Blogging – The Next Big Thing?.

Micah Alpern…said he was happy to see Blogging on my list of “the next big things” but he was disappointed in the page I had linked to. The page he refers to was a very basic page I had created to define some of the basics of blogging — primarily for newbies. Micah correctly points out that it didn’t do much to explain the significance of blogging…Micah has done a good job explaining how blogging has been significant for him personally and it is a worthwhile read. [John Patrick’s weblog]