I hardly ever see Zope mentioned outside of the context of Plone these days…
Category: Zope
Powerful, scalable, cheap, and easy to code.
Plone books
Plone Live Review. I have been reading Plone Live by Michel Pelletier and Munwar Shariff of CIGNEX Technologies and I highly recommend it. Plone Live is one of several professionally published books on Plone. Other books include Andy McKay’s The Definitive Guide to Plone, Julie Meloni’s Plone Content Management Essentials, and Cameron Cooper’s Building Websites With Plone. Plone Live fits into this existing By noemail@noemail.org (Seth). [Enter Content Here]
PloneLive book
is a new Plone Book available: PloneLive 1.0 by Michel Pelletier and
Munwar Shariff. What makes PloneLive really interesting is that it is a
LiveBook that is constantly being updated. You can buy it print on
demand for $44.95 from Amazon or a year’s subscription for $29.95. The
PloneLive Site also has a blog and other content…[Enter Content Here]
Plone book: Building Websites with Plone
New Plone Open Source CMS Book. Plone expert Cameron Cooper’s new book is out. ‘Building Websites with Plone’ explains how Plone works, shows how to use its many out-of-the-box features, and explains how this highly flexible system can be extended and customized. Built on the popular… [CMSwire]
I had to hit Google’s cached version of this page for some reason. Here‘s the link to the book at Amazon.
Getting started with Plone
A Plone Primer.
A Plone consultant, Brad Bollenbach, has written a nice introduction to
the open-source CMS, Plone (which is built on top of the Zope
application server) in O’Reilly’s ONLamp e-zin… [CMSWatch Trends and Features]
Open source and visible source.
Zope Corp.’s layered strategy of engagement with open source and visible-source communities is a compelling blend of the strengths of free and commercial software development. In two previous columns, Open source citizenship and Giving back to open source, I explored the tendency of enterprises to fork open source projects rather than join them. Pedhazur suggests that a commercial entity supporting both an open source base and a visible-source layered product can reduce the need to fork. By outsourcing code enhancements, the argument goes, an enterprise can enjoy single-throat-to-choke control without seceding from a project’s community. It remains to be seen how broadly this model can apply, but in cases where it does, what’s not to like? [Full story at InfoWorld.com]
In this two-minute clip, Zope Corp.’s Chairman Hadar Pedhazur describes the visible source model as a middle-ground option between the few large open source projects, whose direction an enterprise cannot easily influence, and the many smaller ones that enterprises can influence, but typically fork in order to do so. … [Jon’s Radio]
Revisiting Zope. For years I’ve been following the adventures of Zope, an open source application server that is particularly adept at content management. The Zope engine and its layered applications are written in Python, and the whole system is built on top of a Python-based object database called ZODB. Having done a lot of Zope development myself, I know firsthand how powerful and productive this arrangement can be. Admittedly it’s an unorthodox approach that an enterprise IT planner might be reluctant to bet on. But as I learned recently on a visit to Zope’s headquarters in Fredericksburg, Va., some big organizations are doing just that. NATO’s worldwide intranet, for example, is based on Zope. [Full story at InfoWorld.com] … [Jon’s Radio]
NON-PROFIT_NGO_SPRINT. Call for Participation: NON-PROFIT/NGO ZOPE/PLONE SPRINT To build Zope/Plone CMS for non-profit/NGO organizations in early formations. – We are looking for volunteers for one Saturday in a Month to build a site for a non-profit organization. – A team of three volunteers will be adequate. [Zope.org]
![]() Paul Everitt
Paul Everitt, former DigiCool CEO now touring Europe to evangelize Zope/Python, has been blogging at Zope Dispatches for a couple of months. Recently he had an epiphany in France: … [Jon’s Radio]