Category: Enterprise 2.0

The idea has been around for years–using tools like blogs and wikis in a corporate setting–but now it has a catchy name: Enterprise 2.0.

Blogging in the corporate world

Read ‘n Blog.

Tiernan Ray of eCommerce Times in Wireless Newsfactor: Why Blogs Haven’t Stormed the Business World. I gotta roll, so I’ll let the rest of ya handle this one.

[The Doc Searls Weblog]

This link provides an interesting perspective on blogging and the corporate world. I agree that current blogging tools are creating heaps of information that are largely uncategorized. However, I will take a search engine indexing blog content over not capturing tacit information any day.

[Tom Pierce’s Blog]

Business 2.0 corporate weblogs article

Weblogs in organizations and finding voice.

An interesting little piece in Business 2.0 about corporate use of weblogs

Business 2.0 – Web Article – Management by Blog?

Most of the companies I’ve observed using blogs are trying it on their customers before unleashing it internally on their staffs. The external need, apparently, is more pressing. Many businesses already have other systems in place for managing internal information, ranging from simple brown-bag lunches to overkill knowledge-management regimens.

I disagree that the external need is more pressing. I suspect that the truth is that the external weblog strategy presents less risk in the eyes of the implementer. Or to put it differently, internal weblog experiments feel risky…The chronological structure of short posts encourages and gently forces continuing practice…Helping weblogs to succeed inside organizations has little to do with technology features. It depends instead on nurturing a grassroots process of tentative practice evolving into confident process. Think Harold Hill in The Music Man not General George Patton in Patton [McGee’s Musings]

I agree with McGee. At least in our firm, blogs offer a way to move knowledge capture closer to the source–it’s a more organic approach to KM than our previous efforts. I do agree with the article author, though, that it really depends on the culture of the organization.

Blog as backup brain

Thinking in public – knowledge management with a small k. I started experimenting with weblogs and precursors to weblogs several years ago and began to publish a public weblog about 18 months ago. I’ve found the notion of weblog as backup brain to be a powerful metaphor for finding the value of weblogs to the work of an individual knowledge worker within an organization.

One of the central things that occurs with this strategy is that you have to start learning how to think in public. That certainly can feel like a risky thing to do. In some organizational settings it might well be risky. But I’m increasingly convinced that developing that skill will be an important aspect of what organizations must learn to do to survive and thrive in today’s world. [McGee’s Musings]