Category: General

General thoughts that defy categorization.

Sony handheld file server

My buddy Dave just pointed out that the Sony handheld file server may not be able to play MP3s as it is only a file server. Maybe someone has figured out how to get it to play. He said it also might be around $400 which is about what an iPod will run you.

Technology of the Year: Publish/Subscribe

Technology of the Year: Publish/Subscribe. A new breed of middleware vendors brought pub/sub messaging down to the desktop. With Kenamea and KnowNow, you can subscribe a spreadsheet cell to a topic that’s managed out in the cloud. An event published to that topic — such as an inventory update — automatically updates the spreadsheet. It’s true that you could do this kind of thing a decade ago, using NetDDE (Network Dynamic Data Exchange) on your Windows for Workgroups LAN. But pub/sub at Internet scale is far more compelling. [Full story at] [Jon’s Radio]