Tag: Alfresco

Secure your Alfresco server

One of the services that Metaversant provides is called a Health Check, which is exactly like it sounds: We review clients’ Alfresco installations from bottom to top and make recommendations for improvement.

A surprisingly large number of those assessments consistently show that people are not doing enough to secure their environment. In the past, I might have added, “especially for those with an externally-facing server” but, honestly, at this point, you really ought to be treating the entire network as an untrusted, hostile environment, even if it is behind a firewall.

First, let’s start with the bare minimum. These will be obvious to many of you, but believe me, they are not universally applied.

Change the default admin password to a random string

Most everyone changes the admin password, but many people make poor choices as to what that password is. Do what you should be doing with your personal passwords: Change the admin password to a randomized string.

Once you change it, don’t share it in clear-text email or text messages. Use PGP to encrypt emails that include secrets. If you must use a mobile device to share secrets use Signal.

Secure your server traffic with HTTPS

If you aren’t going to encrypt the traffic to your server then you might as well skip all of the advice in this entire post and treat your repository as public information. If that sounds like a bad idea, then you must encrypt your traffic to prevent passwords from being exposed in clear text.

The wonderful service, Let’s Encrypt, makes quality SSL certificates available to everyone for free. Yes, you have to renew them more often than paid certificates but you can automate that fairly easily with EFF’s certbot. In fact, once you establish the web proxy in front of Tomcat, securing your traffic with Let’s Encrypt is as easy as running the certbot script if you have a public-facing server.

Do not run Alfresco as root

If someone does compromise Alfresco you want to limit the damage they can do. If Alfresco is running as root, they can wreck havoc on your server.

I often see Alfresco running as root on installations where someone has simply stood up a server, switched to root, and then run the installer. When you install as root, the Alfresco service will be set up to run as root. If you later try to run as a non-root user, the alfresco.sh script might complain. You can fix this by editing the script. But you can avoid the problem altogether by installing as a non-root user in the first place.

Sometimes Alfresco will be set up to run as a non-root user and then someone will unknowingly start the server as root. When this happens you have to stop the server, recursively fix all of the permissions on the files that root touched, and then restart as the non-root user.

Disable unused protocols

This one is about reducing your attack surface. One of the nice things about Alfresco is the wide number of options you have for getting information in and out of the repository. That’s great, but if you aren’t using, for example, FTP, then why leave FTP enabled? That’s a potential place an attacker could find a toehold. Purposefully review each of the protocols that Alfresco supports and disable those that are not being used.

Re-generate the Solr certificate

Alfresco and Solr are separate web applications. Regardless of whether or not these web apps are running in the same Tomcat server, different Tomcat servers, or even different machines, they use HTTP to communicate with each other. The communication between Solr and Alfresco is encrypted, by default. The Solr web application is secured using certificate-based client authentication. But, by default, the certificate Solr uses for both encryption and authentication is the one that Alfresco generated and shipped with the product. This means that, by default, if someone can get to your Solr port they can search your entire repository because the public has easy access to that Alfresco-generated, default client certificate.

To fix this, either make sure no one can hit the Solr port (8443, by default) or re-generate the certificate. Or both. For more info on how to re-generate the Solr certificate, see the docs.

Stay current

I see an alarmingly high number of people running ancient versions of Alfresco. Often this is because the effort to upgrade can be fairly intense, especially if there are a lot of customizations to deal with. Like any significant piece of software, there have been a number of vulnerabilities discovered and resolved in Alfresco over the years. Staying on an old release could put your installation at risk.

Those are certainly the most common security issues I come across. I would consider these to be the minimum set of best practices.

Recently, I’ve had an increase in the number of clients asking about adding Two-Factor Authentication to Alfresco Share. There are a few options for doing this:

  1. Loftux offers a module that implements two-factor authentication using Authy. There is a cost associated both with the Loftux add-on and the Authy service.
  2. Contezza offers an add-on that uses Google Authenticator. In this case, the add-on has a cost but Google Authenticator is free. Google Authenticator may not be the right choice for everyone, though.
  3. There are also community projects that have done some work in this area, including a very old add-on that works with Yubikeys. Yubikeys are pretty cool, but the obvious drawback is that you have to distribute and manage the physical keys to your users.

Finally, no discussion of Alfresco and security would be complete without mentioning my friend and former colleague, Toni Blyx. The guy knows his stuff. His “Security Best Practices” presentation from Alfresco Summit 2014 is an important read.

Photo Credit: “Vintage Bank Vault” by Brook Ward, CC BY-NC 2.0

Thoughts on BeeCon 2017, the community-organized conference for Alfresco enthusiasts

At the end of April a couple hundred Alfresco enthusiasts met in Zaragoza, Spain, for the second annual BeeCon. BeeCon is a conference organized by and for the Alfresco community. Attendees represented every continent except Antarctica (and Boriss, who is Chilean, tried to claim that he also represents Antarctica). I was truly impressed with the broad attendance, especially with those that came from as far away as China and Australia to collaborate, learn, and teach together with the rest of the Alfresco community.

Here are some thoughts I had during the conference…

Where are the North Americans, especially U.S.-based partners?

We increased our attendance by North Americans this year from almost no one to a small handful of the usuals plus a few new delegates, including some from the University of Alberta. The Alfresco community has always been stronger in Europe than in North America for whatever reason, but I’d like to see us significantly improve attendance from North America.

Key to that is partner participation. A formal partner should be setting the example for contributing to the community. This is not simply altruism–a company can help the community and by doing so add top-spin to the value of their partnership. European partners clearly get that. One European partner had 8 or 9 people at the conference. Zia and Micro Strategies did make it. But most North American partners seem to only be interested in selling and marketing events, which is a real shame.

Alfresco is clearly focused on Cloud and ADF

It is clear that the big focus for Alfresco is on two areas: Cloud and the ADF (Application Development Framework).

For cloud, work is under way to essentially develop a cloud-native content repository and associated services. This is more than just spinning up some virtual machines on AWS, Google, or Azure and running Alfresco as we know it. This would leverage the services those platforms provide in a native way to provide content services. Examples include things like using S3 for storage, Dynamo for metadata, and lambdas for things like actions and behaviors. Alfresco is focusing first on AWS, then they’ll look at other cloud providers.

The ADF is the other area of focus. It is often referred to in the same breath as “Angular components” but it is more than just a set of components for that specific client-side framework. The ADF also includes a more general client-side JavaScript library, so if Angular is not your thing, you can still leverage the client-side JavaScript library from your framework of choice. The ADF also includes some project bootstrapping in the form of a Yeoman generator.

There were also several talks on the server-side REST API that is new in 5.2 which is an essential set of services that enable those front-end libraries to work.

Alfresco confirmed that this focus on ADF means the existing Share client is not receiving much, if any, attention at this point. John Newton said that they are working on an “exemplary” or canonical client built with the ADF. The goal, however, is for that example client to be more focused on a specific use case and not a more general document management use case, which is what Share does. In one of the birds-of-a-feather sessions, the group urged Alfresco engineering to not let the example client accidentally become a de facto Share replacement. Alfresco has a history of releasing example or demo systems that then somehow become real products. Hopefully that won’t be repeated. It’s okay to replace Share at some point, just do so intentionally.

I think the advice I gave last year regarding the ADF still holds, so if you are trying to figure out how the ADF affects your customization plans around Alfresco, read that post.

Not Much Else New and Exciting

If you went to BeeCon looking for big product announcements you were likely disappointed. The cloud and ADF stuff is definitely interesting and critical for Alfresco to stay relevant and so it is naturally sucking every last ounce of energy out of the engineering and product teams leaving little room for innovation in other areas.

John Newton’s talk was basically about “Digital Transformation”, which is what Gartner has decided to call ECM. My clients and I don’t really care what Gartner wants to call what we do. We’re still solving the same problems we’ve always solved using essentially the same approaches with newer tools. That’s just how ECM–sorry, I mean Digital Transformation–is. It’s a mature industry. Should we be shocked that Alfresco did not knock us over with an amazing set of new features no one had ever thought of before? He did hint at some natural learning and machine language applications. I would have loved for him to spend most or all of his talk on that.

Support Tools for Community Edition is a Hot Add-On

Here’s a tip. If you are running Enterprise Edition and you have not installed Support Tools, you need to. It is really helpful for those that administer Alfresco servers. Unfortunately, it has historically been Enterprise-only. But last year, Axel Faust and a merry band of hackers participating in the 2016 Global Virtual Hack-a-Thon wrote their own version of Support Tools that works for both Community Edition and Enterprise Edition. In my mind, this could be the single most important add-on written by the community since the JavaScript Console. It’s incredibly useful and it has a lot of people actively participating in its development. Definitely take a look if you haven’t.

Fun at the Hack-a-thon

Speaking of the hack-a-thon, this was the first time I’ve been able to participate in the on-site hack-a-thon for the entire day. It was a lot of fun! My team worked on a little add-on that makes it easier to manage rules (convert local rules to shared, relocate rule sets, etc.).

Like all hack-a-thons it was a little unnerving because you feel a lot of pressure to build something minimally viable with the time and team that you have but I highly recommend the experience. Axel Faust did a great job facilitating the day-long session for the 20 or so attendees from a variety of backgrounds and skillsets.

See You Next Year?

We haven’t identified a location for next year’s conference yet. Before you start shouting out your favorite cities from around the globe, realize a couple of things. The Order of the Bee puts on this conference with an all-volunteer committee. The venue is free or extremely low cost. The free venue together with help from our sponsors allows us to keep the price very low, but it also requires a lot of work from the team which includes a local in-city coordinator to work with the venue, catering, audio-visual, etc. So we do want to hear suggestions, but viable suggestions will take all of that under consideration.

There is some talk of Alfresco resurrecting DevCon. They’ve been a wonderful and supportive sponsor of BeeCon these last two years and as long as the event continues its high signal-to-noise ratio and community inclusiveness (both in terms of the ecosystem and Community Edition, specifically) then it is probably a good thing. Until they commit, we’ll assume there will be a BeeCon 2018, and I hope to see all of you there next year, wherever that may be!

Now Available: Alfresco Developer Guide 2nd Edition

After more than 8 years since it was first published, Packt has published a second edition of the Alfresco Developer Guide. Much like the Alfresco product itself, the overall approach and architecture of the book is fundamentally the same, but Ben Chevallereau has given it much-needed updates by adding Share, SDK, and Application Development Framework coverage as well as bringing everything else up-to-date.

Before I talk about what’s in the book, I should mention that although the title says “Alfresco One” the book is applicable to both Community Edition and Enterprise Edition. I honestly have no idea why the “One” got added, but that’s a minor quibble.

The first four chapters are essentially the same, with updates here and there to match recent software releases. Chapter 1 introduces content management and Alfresco. Chapter 2 discusses the Alfresco way to develop extensions and customizations. Chapter 3 dives into content modeling. Chapter 4 explains actions, behaviors, transformers, and extractors.

Chapter 5 is when the first serious departure from the first edition occurs. That’s because when the first edition was published, Alfresco Share was just being created. The second edition uses Chapter 5 to discuss Share customizations, primarily focusing on Surf, but also touching on Aikau where it is relevant.

Chapter 6 further expands on application development by exploring the new Application Development Framework based on Angular2.

Chapter 7 returns to familiar territory with web scripts and Chapter 8 covers advanced workflow, although in the second edition it is exclusively focused on Activiti rather than the old jBPM engine.

Chapter 9 is kind of a grab bag of new feature coverage such as the Search Manager and Smart Folders. It also throws in a light example of developing a mobile client for Alfresco using Appcelerator.

Chapter 10 focuses on security and covers the same topics as the first edition (LDAP, SSO, and custom permissions) but with obvious updates.

The appendices originally in the first edition were cut completely which would have been a pain to update. And with the improvements made in the Alfresco-provided documentation over the last eight years they really no longer add much value.

Overall, I think the book still meets its goal of being the quintessential reference for anyone getting started with Alfresco development.

Many people have come up to me over the years and said, “I got my start with Alfresco thanks to your book,” and that makes me happy because that’s exactly what it was for. I’m glad that this new edition will enable a whole new generation of people to get up-to-speed and join us in the vibrant Alfresco community.

The credit for the hard work on the update goes to Ben–you did a great job. We should also recognize Bindu Wavell for the technical editing, which is a huge task. Thanks so much guys!

Join me in Spain for BeeCon, the community-organized Alfresco conference

Registration for BeeCon 2017 is now open. What is BeeCon? It’s a conference focused on Alfresco organized by The Order of the Bee, a grassroots community of Alfresco enthusiasts.

This year the conference is April 25 – 28. We’ll be in Zaragoza, Spain, a beautiful city about 1.5 hours by train from Madrid.

If you’ve ever been to Alfresco DevCon, the conference is a lot like that. The focus is on providing high-quality content free of sales pitches.

Despite being run by volunteers with costs kept to a minimum (it essentially runs as a non-profit), last year’s conference was well-attended and felt very professional and well-planned. I have no doubt that the hard work of the conference committee and the support of our sponsors will result in another proud moment for The Order of the Bee and, more importantly, a productive use of your time.

This year the format changed slightly. We moved the hack-a-thon to the beginning of the conference so it would not conflict with sessions. That night we’ll have a welcome party. Sessions start the next morning. The conference features two and-a-half days of traditional sessions, which are mostly technical, as well as lightning talks, which are always entertaining and informative. The schedule is on the conference site.

BeeCon is planned, organized, and executed entirely by volunteers. Alfresco Software, Inc. and other vendors pay to sponsor the event, but the program is driven by a committee of Order of the Bee members. Speaker selection is based on the merit of the proposal. Do you have an Alfresco story to share? Become a speaker!

For me, BeeCon is a time to lift my head up from my projects and spend time learning what others are doing in this space. It also gives me a chance to physically hang out, chat, and laugh with people I collaborate with online nearly every day. This year, I hope you’ll decide to join us in person. I am looking forward to seeing you in Zaragoza!

Alfresco Maven SDK: Declaring other AMPs as dependencies

5634268846_9c59682a42_mI’ve seen a few questions about how to configure an Alfresco project to depend on other add-ons when using the Alfresco Maven SDK, so I thought I’d do a quick write-up on that.

When you use the Alfresco Maven SDK Archetypes to bootstrap a project, you can select one of three project types:

  1. alfresco-allinone-archetype: Referred to simply as “All-in-One”, this type, as the name implies, gives you a project that facilitates creating both a repository tier AMP and a Share tier AMP, plus it includes a working Solr installation.
  2. alfresco-amp-archetype: This sets up a project that generates only a repository tier AMP.
  3. share-amp-archetype: This sets up a project that generates only a Share tier AMP.

In my Alfresco Maven SDK Tutorial I use both the alfresco-amp-archetype and the share-amp-archetype but I don’t really talk about the All-in-One archetype at all. The reason is two-fold. First, I think for most beginners, the smaller, more focused archetypes are less confusing. Second, on the vast majority of my client projects, that’s the setup I use. Usually, I feel like the All-in-One archetype is overkill.

However, there is an advantage the All-in-One archetype has over the other two. It is able to pull in other AMPs as dependencies. With the single-purpose archetypes, your goal is simply to build an AMP. You can run integration tests against that AMP using the embedded Tomcat server, but if you want to test the AMP with other AMPs, you have to deal with that manually. Usually I just deploy the AMPs to a test Alfresco installation that already has the other AMPs deployed.

But with the All-in-One archetype, you can declare those other AMPs as dependencies, and Maven will go grab them from a repository and install them into your local test environment using something called an “overlay”.

Here’s an example. Suppose you are developing some customizations that you know will be deployed to an Alfresco server that will be running the following add-ons: Share Site Creators, Share Site Space Templates, Share Login Announcements, and Share Inbound Calendar Invites. You’d like to test your code alongside these add-ons.

One approach would be to go grab the source for each of these projects and build them locally to produce their AMPs (or download pre-built AMPs), then deploy all of those AMPs to a test server, then deploy your custom AMP and test.

But all of those add-ons happen to live on a public Maven artifact repository called Maven Central. So a better alternative might be to simply list those modules as dependencies and let Maven take care of the rest.

Here’s how it works. When you generate an all-in-one project, the structure includes not only folders that contain your repo and Share AMP source, but also folders representing the Alfresco and Share web applications. For example, here are the files and folders in the root folder of a project called “test-allinone-220”:


In our example, your custom code for the repo tier would go in test-allinone-220-repo-amp and your Share tier code would go in test-allinone-220-share-amp.

The repo and share directories are used to build the respective WAR files and they each have their own pom.xml. So to add the other add-ons to our setup, first edit repo/pom.xml. You need to add the add-ons as dependencies, like:


Then, add them again to the overlays section (without the “version” element), like this:


That covers the Alfresco WAR. Now for the Share WAR, edit share/pom.xml and add the Share tier dependencies, like:


And then the overlays:


Now you can run the whole thing–your custom AMPs plus all of the dependencies–by running ./run.sh. As part of the build, you should see the dependencies being downloaded from Maven Central. As the server starts up, if you watch the log, you’ll see the modules get initialized. And when you log in, you’ll be able to test all of the functionality together.

When you are ready to deploy to one of your actual server environments, you have a choice. You can either copy all of your AMPs to the amps and amps_share directories, then run bin/apply_amps.sh. Or you can deploy the WAR files that are now sitting under repo/target and share/target. Personally, I think re-applying the AMPs against a fresh WAR on the target server is less confusing and less error-prone, but I’ve seen it done both ways.

If the add-ons you want to depend on are not on a public Maven artifact repository like Maven Central, you can still build them locally, run “mvn install” to install them into your local Maven repository, then depend on them as shown.

Key Activiti engineering leads have resigned from Alfresco Software

activiti_logoIndependent sources within the company confirm that key leaders of the Activiti team have just resigned from Alfresco Software. Despite rumors to the contrary, this was not a coordinated effort with the team leaving en masse–each of the three departing engineers are doing so independently, for their own reasons.

Activiti is an open source Business Process Management (BPM) system that can run independently as a standalone workflow engine. Alfresco embeds Activiti in its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform and offers commercial support for standalone Activiti under a product offering called “Alfresco Activiti”.

Whether it is run within Alfresco or as a standalone BPM engine, Activiti is a key technology that enables businesses to streamline processes that involve both humans and other enterprise systems. The departures are awful news for the company, which has been doing a lot of marketing around automating business processes in recent months.

Alfresco created Activiti as an open source project to replace jBPM, which, at the time, did not support the BPMN specification and was unwilling to modify their license to be compatible with Alfresco’s. Alfresco hired the jBPM creator and several members of that engineering team to create Activiti as a new BPMN-compliant, Apache-licensed engine from the ground, up.

The project has been popular and successful, both in its open source community and as a commercial offering, despite hitting a bump in the road in 2013 when some of the community members decided to fork the project.

What is clear is that the Activiti open source project will continue to move forward. The most likely scenario is that one or more of the departing engineers will continue to contribute to Activiti–they’ll just earn their income from another source. I suspect that Alfresco will continue its commercial push behind BPM and will continue to leverage Activiti as it does hundreds of other open source components.

A company always suffers for a while when a good person leaves. In this case several good people are leaving. I hope Alfresco can deal with this change and move forward successfully, and I’m looking forward to seeing what these talented engineers do next.

Alfresco embraces AngularJS: Now what?

Alfresco plus Angular2In 2009 I wrote a blog post called “Alfresco User Interface: What are my options?”  because people frequently asked for recommendations around that and they still do. Then, in 2010 at the very first Alfresco DevCon, I gave a talk called “Alfresco from an agile framework perspective“. My talk summarized how painful it was to build custom apps on Alfresco by building one simple app twice–once using Share and once using Django–and then comparing the effort it took. Django won, hands down, in terms of level-of-effort and lines of code.

Share was fairly new at the time, and it has improved a lot since 2010 in terms of ease-of-customization. In fact, a few of us met with Alfresco engineering at the conference to give feedback about the Share developer experience and Alfresco listened. The next release of Share had improved extension points. It became much easier to extend or override pieces of Share without massive copying-and-pasting of Alfresco’s code.

But there was another aspect of my talk, which boils down to this: If you are trying to appeal to developers, why are you asking us to learn a new framework? There are already frameworks out there that are extremely popular, have all sorts of tooling, and are well-documented. Use what you want to build Alfresco Share, but what can you do to make it easier for developers to build content-centric applications on Alfresco using tools we already know?

Fast-forward to BeeCon, the community-led Alfresco conference held in Brussels back in April of this year. During that conference, Alfresco announced that it was doing something about this problem: They would create libraries and components to help people create custom apps on top of the platform external to Share. Some of these will be framework agnostic. But after looking at the frameworks out there they realized they cannot deny the popularity of AngularJS, so they also want to provide customizable components that Angular developers can use.

About two weeks ago, we got our first glimpse of what this really means. Alfresco made its alfresco-ng2-components GitHub repo public followed closely by a live streamed hangout where they discussed the vision for the components (YouTube link).

Definitely clone the repo, try it out yourself, and watch that video for context. But let me try to summarize what it means for you…

What is happening to Alfresco Share, Aikau, and Surf?

Alfresco Share is the shipping web client. It is built on top of Aikau and a lower-level framework called Surf. If Alfresco is getting behind Angular, are these going away? No. Both John Newton, Alfresco’s co-founder, and John Sotiropoulos, Alfresco’s new VP of Applications, were emphatic on that point. There are no immediate plans to make any significant changes to the direction of Alfresco Share, Aikau, or Surf. Many people have customized Share–those customizations should remain safe. Plus, a lot of people use Share out-of-the-box. Alfresco still needs a web client and they are their own biggest fans when it comes to Aikau and Surf.

I am customizing Share right now. Should I stop?

No, these components aren’t going to affect you. If you have no reason to build a custom front-end on top of Alfresco, you can safely ignore this announcement. However, if you are customizing Share because you thought it would be easier than writing your own custom application, and your customizations are so significant, that it feels like you are basically re-building an application from the ground-up, with little or no re-use from what Share offers, you may want to keep an eye on this. These components will give you a jumpstart on what otherwise would have been a from-scratch effort.

What exactly is shipping right now?

Alfresco is making an initial set of components available that includes:

  • Login
  • Document list
  • Document viewer
  • Datatable
  • Search
  • Uploader

In addition to the components, Alfresco offers a Yeoman generator to help you bootstrap an Angular2 application that makes use of one or more of these components.

I am writing a custom front-end using Angular right now. Should I stop?

Alfresco is shipping Angular components that can be used to build custom apps on top of Alfresco. And you are doing the same thing. It would seem like you might want to stop and leverage the new components. Before you do that, you need to be aware of two very important caveats.

First, Alfresco is using Angular2 which has very significant differences with Angular. And Angular2 is still shipping as a release candidate. Depending on your appetite for refactoring and risk, you may or may not want to make the switch to Angular2 just yet. Still, I think it was smart for Alfresco to choose Angular2 to avoid making that move later.

The second thing is that the new Alfresco Angular2 components rely on significant enhancements to the Alfresco REST API. Those enhancements are not in any stable version of the product. They are only available starting with 201606 EA (Early Access) release, which includes 5.2.a of the Alfresco platform. There is no way to know when Alfresco 5.2 Community Edition will go to a GA (Generally Available, aka “stable”) release. Which means we also do not know when 5.2 Enterprise Edition will ship.

You should not run any Early Access release of Community Edition in production. Therefore, if you need to be in production any time soon, you will not be able to leverage these components.

This second caveat has caused a fair amount of grumbling amongst the community. There has been some talk about back-porting the new REST API to a stable Alfresco release, but, unfortunately, this cannot be done without changes to the core.

People have been developing custom front-ends on top of Alfresco using Angular and other frameworks for years without making deep changes to the core product. Alfresco didn’t have to do it in this case, but they chose to, because they wanted to clean up the API simultaneously. Basically they chose the “rip the bandage fast” approach, which I understand. However, the impact of this decision is that it will be many, many months before real world feedback on these components makes it into the shipping code. Hopefully, enough people will still be motivated enough to try them out with the EA release.

I want to try the new components, how do I get started?

First, you’ll need a running version of 5.2.a (201606-EA) with CORS enabled. I forked the gui81/alfresco Docker image and upgraded it to 5.2.a with CORS enabled and pushed the result to Docker Hub if you want to use it. Or you can download it from the wiki or Sourceforge.

The GitHub repo has a good readme, so take a look at that. I’m not going to duplicate it here, so follow those directions.

I had good luck installing the Yeoman generator and then just running “yo ng2-alfresco-app”. You’ll get a chance to specify which components you want installed into your new app–I had problems unless I selected all of them.

Yeoman generates the app. NPM is used to run it locally for development purposes. To fire it up, just run “npm start”. Once up, I was able to use the sample app to work with the back-end Alfresco repository, as shown here (click to enlarge):

Alfresco Angular2 Components

It’s probably important to note that what you see running is basically a sample app or sandbox for these components. It’s up to you to write a functional app with all of the features your users need. You’ll incorporate and customize these components as part of your own development effort. You can check the documentation to learn more about how to customize each component.

Alfresco wants your feedback on these components. Don’t be afraid to report issues or submit pull requests on the GitHub repo.


I am excited to see this from Alfresco. It is too early to use these in production, but once the new REST changes ship in a GA product, you should definitely consider this as a way to jumpstart your custom apps, even if you don’t use Angular. If you’ve been looking for a way to get involved in the Alfresco community, trying these out and giving your feedback is an excellent opportunity to do so.

Why Alfresco follows the same strategy as closed source commercial software companies

soundwalk_by_finishing-schoolMy friend and colleague, Peter Löfgren, recently wrote a blog post on what he sees as the two possible strategies Alfresco could pursue. He describes the two approaches as follows:

Vertical: You try to get as many as possible Community installs be converted to paying Enterprise customers. Convert from the bottom and up if you so like.

Horizontal: You try to get as many as possible to run Alfresco, even if they run the free Community version. A fair share will always want commercial support to have a professional backing. A broad approach, where you get market presence and self-sustained marketing.

Peter argues that, to date, Alfresco has used a vertical approach, which is really about pushing Enterprise Edition and begrudgingly acknowledging that Community Edition is an acceptable alternative, only when the client can’t currently justify the expense of an Enterprise Edition license.

Peter observes that the vertical approach pits Alfresco Enterprise Edition squarely against Community Edition making it very tempting for Alfresco sales people to badmouth Community Edition, because they often see it as cannibalizing their revenue. I actually don’t see this happening much anymore–sales people know that denigrating Community Edition is counter-productive because customers are savvy enough to know it is the same software and a good portion of the sales team understands the bigger picture.

Before I go any further, I should refer you to a blog post I wrote about a year ago called, “The plain truth about Alfresco’s open source ethos“. In it, I argue that Alfresco’s marketing strategy isn’t the community’s concern, and that the company is basically a “normal” software company that won’t ever be the dogmatic open source company many of us wish it was.

But Peter brought it up and I like discussing such things, so I’ll ignore my own advice and provide my take on why I think Alfresco will continue to ignore the horizontal strategy and will continue to basically act like any other traditional software company…

Here’s my take

First, let’s compare Alfresco with another commercial open source company, Elastic. Elastic is the company behind the popular search engine Elasticsearch as well as a variety of related big data and analytics tools such as Logstash, Kibana, and Beats. Like Alfresco, Elastic makes money from support, and their incentive to get people to pay for support is to offer a set of products they make available only to paying customers. Unlike Alfresco, Elastic ships a single distribution of their products. For a given release of Elasticsearch, for example, there is no difference between what a paying and non-paying customer downloads and runs. It’s just that if you want some additional value-add on top of what’s freely-available, you have to pay.

So this is an example of a horizontal pursuit as Peter describes it. The reason it is working for Elastic, though, is that their offerings are much more horizontal than Alfresco’s. Elasticsearch is more popular and more widely used in all kinds of use cases. Their download stats are impressive and increasing steadily.

Alfresco, on the other hand, is niche software. It is quite narrowly focused on document management. Yes, there are a lot of use cases within that, but it isn’t something that you see embedded in all sorts of applications like you would a database, a workflow engine, or a search engine. I suspect download stats are flat or maybe even decreasing, although this is a bit of an apples/oranges comparison as the two products are in different phases of maturity and adoption.

The other issue is one of leadership. Elastic’s CEO, Steve Schuurman, exudes open source. He was a co-founder of SpringSource, for example. Both he and Shay Bannon, the creator of Elasticsearch, have said repeatedly that Elastic will always be open source and that they’ll never have an Enterprise-only distribution of their core software. That’s the kind of leadership I expect from a commercial open source company.

Contrast that with the current leadership at Alfresco. When former CEO John Powell announced his retirement, the board could have chosen someone with open source credibility like Elastic’s Steve Schuurman. Instead, they went with Doug Dennerline. He and his lieutenants have next to zero open source credibility or experience. It is clear they were brought on solely to take the company public. For them, open source is not a driving part of their worldview. Instead, their focus is simply to build a software company and take it public, employing whatever strategy gives them and their shareholders the biggest revenue numbers year-after-year. (I don’t mean to paint this in an overly-negative light–it is what it is. I’m just trying to point out the stark contrast in motivation and philosophy between the two leadership teams).

Unfortunately, a horizontal strategy does not necessarily equate to those kind of numbers. With Red Hat as the notable exception, it is hard to find a commercial open source company with financials that Doug, the board, and investors are looking for.

Do the math. Let’s assume there are 50,000 installs of Alfresco Community Edition. I have no reason to believe that is accurate–this is just an exercise. What kind of conversion rate would you expect? You’ll probably guess too high, forgetting that Alfresco is now very expensive, even for modest installations, and that the company is still working to add more differentiation in its paid offering compared to the free product. Let’s use 2%. So that’s 1,000 paying customers, which is roughly the number John Newton disclosed publicly in a keynote several years ago. It’s probably higher now, but remember that there is attrition we haven’t accounted for and those customers have to be earned year after year.

Now, what do you think the average sales price of Alfresco is across all of their paying customers? Again, just spit-balling, let’s say it is $100k annually. Multiply that times 1,000 and that’s “only” a company with $100 million in annual revenue. If you’re looking for a $1 billion IPO, that’s not enough. (If EMC sells Documentum to someone for 10x revenue I’ll have to update this post, but I think I’m pretty safe).

In a horizontal strategy, those are your levers: Total installs, conversion rate, attrition, average sales price. For example, using the horizontal approach, to increase revenue from $100 million to $300 million you would have to triple the number of Community Edition installs from 50,000 to 150,000. Alternatively, you could keep CE installs steady at 50,000 and instead triple your conversion rate from 2% to 6%. Which seems easier?

My bet is that rather than increasing total Community Edition installs, Alfresco will find it easier to increase the conversion rate by increasing differentiation between the two products, cutting attrition by implementing “customer success programs” and consulting, and continuing to put upward pressure on the average sales price by charging more for the core product and finding new paid add-ons to sell.

The horizontal approach Peter advocates may be the one we all wish would work, but I think that ship has sailed.

What’s new in Alfresco Community Edition 5.1?

This post covers the significant new features of Alfresco Community Edition 5.1. I’ve also published a YouTube video that demos the new features.

New Release Names

Alfresco Community Edition 5.1, which you may see referenced as “201602-GA”, has been released. This is the first GA release of Alfresco Community Edition using the new release naming nomenclature. Let’s talk about that first, then I’ll give you the highlights of what’s new.

In the past, Community Edition releases were assigned letters. For example, the last release in the 5.0 line was 5.0.d. Historically, Alfresco would give no clues as to whether or not they considered that a stable or final release. Subsequently, people would just grab the latest release and install it, which led to all sorts of problems. (See “Alfresco Community Edition needs sensible version labels“).

Now, thankfully, Community Edition releases are either Early Access (EA) releases or Generally Available (GA) releases. The EA releases are essentially snapshot releases that are stable enough for the community to try out and provide feedback on. The GA releases are stable builds. If you are running Community Edition in production, you should be running GA releases, not EA releases.

So the release we are talking about is “201602-GA” which means it was released in February of 2016 and it is GA. I don’t know what they are going to do if they have two GA releases in the same month, but I guess we’ll deal with that if it happens. Given that GA releases do undergo testing by Alfresco QA, which can take some time, two releases within the same month may be unlikely.

Alfresco is actually a collection of components. Community Edition 201602GA contains Alfresco Platform 5.1.e, Alfresco Share 5.1.e, Aikau, AOS 1.1, and Google Docs 3.0.3. Notice that Aikau, the client-side UI framework Share is built on, is included in that list as a separate component. The UI framework has been de-coupled from the rest of the platform–it now follows its own release cycle.

I consider this an awesome new “feature”, but let’s talk about real functionality actually in 5.1 Community Edition.

Content Modeling UI

If you’ve used other document management solutions and are new to Alfresco you may be surprised to realize that before this release, all content modeling had to be done by manually editing XML files. I know, I know, but the ability to define a content model in the Share UI is here now, so let’s be thankful.

Here’s how it works. If you are in the ALFRESCO_MODEL_ADMINISTRATORS group you’ll get access to a new admin panel called “Model Manager”. Creating custom types and aspects is a simple matter of point-and-click.

model-manager-scmodelBeyond just defining the model, though, the UI also allows you to define the Share form configuration.

model-manager-layout-editorIt’s pretty cool, although there are limitations:

  • Not everything supported by the underlying repository is supported by the content modeling UI. For example, I could not set mandatory aspects on a type and I could not define associations.
  • You can declare that properties must adhere to a constraint, but you can’t define the constraint once and reuse it across multiple properties.
  • I created the content model from my Custom Content Types tutorial but ran into a little problem. You can only inherit from types in an active model. I have an enterprise-wide type called “sc:doc” that my other types inherit from. The workaround is to create your enterprise-wide type first, then activate the model, then create your child types. Or you can put the enterprise-wide type in its own separate model.
  • I could not create items that inherited from sys:base or cmis:item (for content-less objects).
  • The advanced search form does not get configured to include custom types and aspects defined using the modeling UI.

The ability to define a content model without editing XML is a much-needed feature and I’m sure it will continue to evolve. It is extremely useful in its current form despite the limitations I’ve outlined above, which you can work around by using traditional techniques for defining the content model and Share form configuration.

Smart Folders

How many times have you wanted a folder to consist of query results rather than what’s physically in the file? The new Smart Folders feature gives you that capability. Unfortunately, it’s a little tedious to set up–it involves manually editing a JSON file to define your virtual folder structure. But, once you do that, it opens up a lot of possibilities.

If you aren’t sure why you’d want to define a folder as the results of a query, think about how you like to organize your files versus how other teams or departments like to organize theirs. Often, folder structures are optimized based on the work being performed. When different people with different roles work on the same content, it can become hard to create a folder structure that meets the needs of all constituents. Smart Folders allow you to set up alternative folder structures based on arbitrary criteria.

Imagine a college that facilitates internship assignments on behalf of their students. The best way to organize internship applications submitted by students depends on the person’s role. A student wants to see their own application. A counselor might want to see all of the applications for the students assigned to them. An employer wants to see the applications submitted to their company. And the internships coordinator wants to see applications by status. Prior to Smart Folders there’s not a great way to make all of these constituents happy.

In addition to creating search-defined folder structures, Smart Folders provides the ability to assign document types, aspects, and metadata values to documents automatically as they are added to the repository. For example, if you are a paralegal adding deposition transcripts to a case you no longer have to assign the cause number, client’s last name, and the fact that it’s a deposition. That gets assigned automatically based on where you uploaded the document.

To get a better feel for this, check out the Smart Folders documentation and tutorial. Alfresco has done a great job with it.

One last thing on Smart Folders–you may be wondering if a Smart Folder is accessible via CMIS. The answer is yes. Smart Folders are “normal” folder objects with an extra aspect applied (“smf:smart”). This has the potential to simplify CMIS code. Instead of putting the query in the code, you can define it in the folder template and in CMIS, just get the folder’s children which will be the query results.

Default landing page

This is another frequently-requested feature: The ability for a user to define which page should be displayed upon logging in to Alfresco Share. Now it’s easy. Just navigate to the page you want to use as the default, click your user name, then click “Use Current Page” to set.


The next time you log in you’ll go to that page.

Become Owner UI action

Sometimes you have cases where you’d like to take over ownership of a document. One example is someone who has collaborator access. Collaborators can edit and delete documents they create because creators are owners. But maybe at some point you’d like them to be able to comment on documents in a folder but you don’t want them to edit documents even if they are the ones who uploaded them. One way to fix that is to have another user, such as a Coordinator, take over ownership of the document. This has always been possible, but before 5.1 you had to write your own script or UI action to make it happen. Now the UI action is available out-of-the-box.

AOS (Alfresco Office Services)

Alfresco Office Services is the new name for the re-implementation of the Microsoft SharePoint Protocol, which allows Microsoft Office products to enjoy native integration with the repository. If you have to use Microsoft’s office products at least you’ll be able to edit and save them directly to Alfresco.

While this is essentially the same functionality as the old SharePoint Protocol support, it does represent a significant change in Alfresco’s open source stance. Until now, all Alfresco Community Edition code has been 100% open source. Alfresco has chosen to include AOS with Community Edition, which is great, but it is distributed under a proprietary license. If that is a problem for you, the module is optional. You can still use the old open source implementation of the SharePoint Protocol, but it won’t be developed further by Alfresco. It sounds like they’ll spin it off as a separate open source project in case anyone is interested in maintaining it going forward.

jBPM has been jettisoned

Alfresco’s original embedded workflow engine was JBoss jBPM. Then, Activiti came along, and you could use either one. Eventually jBPM was marked as deprecated. With 5.1, jBPM has finally been removed from the release. Honestly, this should not be a surprise at all–you’ve had plenty of time to get your custom workflows moved over to Activiti.

SDK release lagged

I’m excited about the new release naming nomenclature and the new features. But one thing that is a little annoying is that the SDK that works with 5.1 lagged behind the release of the platform. So if you’ve got customizations that leverage the Alfresco Maven SDK, you couldn’t easily port those over in time for the release–you had to wait for the SDK. I haven’t heard whether or not this was a one-time occurrence or if this will always be the case.

Share Site type is gone

I’m not sure why it was removed or if it is coming back, but the “site type” dropdown has been removed from the “Create Site” dialog. Maybe Alfresco thought this feature wasn’t used much. If you’re using my Share Site Space Templates add-on, this will affect you because you won’t be able to specify a custom site preset that maps to your Share Site folder template. I haven’t looked at the source yet–it might not be a big deal to re-enable this.

missing-site-type-dropdownUPDATE: The Share Site type dropdown is not gone. It shows up when there is more than one type of site defined. This is a nice new feature in 5.1 because previously the dropdown would show up even if there was only a single choice.

That’s what’s new with Alfresco 5.1 Community Edition. Download it and try it out for yourself. If I’ve missed anything be sure to let me know in the comments.

And if you’d like to see any of these features live, check out my screencast:

(If the video doesn’t show up for you, here is the link).

A simple one-way calendar integration for Alfresco Share

Photo credit: Dafne Cholet
Photo credit: Dafne Cholet

A common request is to integrate the Alfresco Share calendar with an external calendaring system such as Outlook, Google Calendar, or Zimbra. Without an integration, people end up doing double-entry. You’ve already got a calendar that works pretty well. Why make people re-enter events in Alfresco Share?

Most people use Alfresco Share for team collaboration. The calendar doesn’t need to show everything on everyone’s calendar–that job is better left to the existing calendar server. What makes more sense is to show a few team-related events or milestones on the team’s Alfresco Share site calendar or maybe in a dashlet on the site’s dashboard.

When thinking about the problem, I realized that the calendar in Share is just another interested party in an event. Just as some calendaring systems allow you to “invite” a conference room to a meeting which effectively reserves that room for the meeting, you ought to be able to “invite” a Share site and have the Share site add that event to its calendar and update it when the event changes.

Treating the Share site as just another invitee is a non-invasive way to integrate with the calendaring system and it has the added benefit that only events in which the Share site was specifically invited will show up on the Share site calendar.

As luck would have it, the pieces to make this work already exist and they don’t require any changes to the source calendaring system. Check it out:

  • When you invite someone to a calendar event the calendaring system sends an iCalendar (.ICS) file as an email attachment to the invitee. The invitee’s email or calendaring client recognizes that attachment and updates the calendar accordingly.
  • There’s a Java library called iCal4j that knows how to parse iCalendar files. Yea for standards!
  • Alfresco supports receiving inbound email and you can easily bind custom logic to the creation of nodes. Alfresco creates one document for the email body and one for the ICS file attachment.
  • Events that show up on the Alfresco Share calendar are just content-less objects–they are instances of ia:calendarEvent.

Put those pieces together and a simple one-way calendar integration is born. The integration watches for incoming email with ICS attachments, parses the attachment, then creates, updates, or deletes the corresponding Alfresco Share site calendar object.

With this in place, all you have to do to add an event to the Alfresco Share site calendar is invite the Share site to the event from your favorite calendaring system.

But what’s the invitee name of a Share site? Great question! In Alfresco, there’s an aspect called email alias. You can add it to any folder and give it an arbitrary value. Then, when sending email to Alfresco you can specify the alias.

My integration includes code that makes sure all Share sites have a folder that can be used to store inbound email and it gives that folder an alias equal to the Share site’s short name (which is used as part of the Share URL). So if your Share site is called “test-site-1” and you normally send email to Alfresco via alfresco.someco.com, your Share site’s email address becomes test-site-1@alfresco.someco.com.

What about updates? Calendar systems have a universal identifier for every event. When calendar entries are updated or deleted, the calendaring system sends an iCalendar file just as it does for new events. Included in that file is the event’s unique ID and a flag that indicates whether the event is being created or deleted. When the integration creates the event in the Alfresco Share calendar, it stores the unique ID in the Alfresco object’s metadata which it can use later to match up subsequent update and delete requests.

How about a demo?

This video shows the integration in action. Be sure to make it full screen and select “HD”.

(If you can’t see the video, watch it on YouTube here).

What’s left to do?

This is a simple, one-way integration. It does not tell the corporate calendaring system which sites are available and it does not do a free-busy lookup. It also does not acknowledge the invitation back to the source calendaring system. I don’t consider these to be critical gaps but those features might make the integration tighter.

As a side-note, the automatic creation of an email alias for a Share site and a corresponding folder to hold inbound email (which users could then configure rules for) might be useful as a separate add-on even if you don’t need calendar integration. If you agree, let me know. Maybe the integration ought to be split into two separate AMPs.

Pull requests welcome

As usual, I welcome your participation on this project. If you find problems, fix problems, or want to make improvements, use the github project to create issues and pull requests.