Tag: Alfresco

Register now for BeeCon, the Alfresco Community Conference

Order of the BeeRegistration for BeeCon 2016 is now open. What the heck is BeeCon? BeeCon is the first-ever, independently-organized conference focused entirely on Alfresco. The BeeCon web site says it best:

Alfresco professionals and enthusiasts come to BeeCon to sharpen their technical skills and collaborate with other experts…Whether you are a developer, information professional, student, or Alfresco employee, BeeCon is the place to dive deep into Alfresco and develop the relationships which you will need to be successful in the coming year.

The conference is organized by the Order of the Bee, an independent community focused on Alfresco.

Who Will Attend?

BeeCon is an event organized by and targeted towards the Alfresco community. It is built around the idea that what makes our community great is its open, collaborative spirit. And that, from time-to-time, it is important to meet face-to-face to learn from each other, hash out ideas, strengthen personal relationships, and just have fun.

If Alfresco is just a piece of software to you, then this is a conference with a lot of technical how-to’s that will help you get your project done, and you should come for that reason. When you arrive, though, you’re going to find out that a lot of people have crossed oceans and continents to be in Brussels because not only is the software important, but because, as a community, we have a lot of work to do. And the people who care about the Alfresco community are using this event to get organized and to map the way forward.

If you love sales pitches and marketing fluff you should sit this one out. But if you…

  • want to learn more about the technical details from experts;
  • are already running Alfresco in your organization, whether that’s Enterprise or Community Edition; or
  • want to help shape the future of the community and the platform

…then you need to attend BeeCon 2016.

More than a Meetup

This is more than a meetup. It’s a real two-day conference with keynotes, tracks, and a hack-a-thon. The goal is to make it similar to past events like DevCon with really great content and outstanding people, but without the big budget (or price tag).

You can register now for about 60 Euros. If you wait the price goes up to about 90 Euros.

Support from Alfresco and Other Sponsors

The BeeCon team has focused on keeping things practical and inexpensive. But events like this simply cannot succeed without help from sponsors. This year, CIRB-CIBG is providing the venue, A/V equipment, and WiFi, which is amazing because those three items are the biggest in terms of cost for any event. What’s even more amazing is that we enjoy additional support from a number of sponsors including Alfresco, Contezza, ITD Systems, keensoft, VDEL, and Xenit. You should thank these folks when you see them.

Stay Tuned for the Detailed Agenda

The program team received a number of speaking submissions from Alfresco engineers and community members from all over the world. They are busy reviewing those and will get the conference web site updated as things solidify. The team is picky–they want sessions to be high quality and packed with information you can use on your Alfresco projects right away. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished agenda, but I’m not going to wait to register.

Space is Limited, Do Not Wait to Register!

While you’re thinking about it, complete your registration. It’s only 60 Euros. I’ll bet you can slip that into an expense report without much fuss. And when you bring the things you learn back to the office, you’ll win respect and adoration from your boss and coworkers. Not bad for 60 Euros.

When making your travel plans for Brussels, remember that we’ll be getting together Wednesday night, April 27, for a welcome reception. The conference runs two days, April 28-29. Then, whomever is interested can come with us to the medieval city of Bruges on Saturday, April 30, for a day of sightseeing. I’ve been to Bruges–it’s gorgeous. You won’t want to miss it. Plus, it will be nice to hang out with your favorite community members, Belgian-style.

I look forward to seeing you in Brussels in April!

Alfresco cancels Summit, asks community to organize its own conference

summit-community-editionEarlier this week, in a post to a public mailing list, Ole Hejlskov, Developer Evangelist at Alfresco, announced that the company will not be putting on its annual conference, Alfresco Summit, this year as originally planned. Instead, the company is focusing on smaller, shorter, sales-oriented events which have been very successful in several cities around the globe.

Ole said that Alfresco will be adding developer content to its Alfresco Day events, which have historically been mostly end-user and decision-maker focused. In contrast, Alfresco’s yearly events started out as developer-focused conferences, but in recent years had a more balanced agenda with both technical and non-technical tracks.

Alfresco had announced earlier in the year that their annual conference would be in New Orleans in November. In each of the last five years the company put on two conferences–one in Europe and the other in United States. For 2015 the plan was to have a single conference only in the U.S. which drew criticism from the community that skews heavily toward a non-U.S. demographic.

When the community realized Alfresco Summit 2015 would be held only in the U.S., an independent community organization called The Order of the Bee began making plans to hold their own conference in Europe. Alfresco says it will support the community’s efforts to hold its own event and wants to explore “…ways in which participation from Alfresco corporate makes sense”.

I understand where Alfresco is coming from. Annual conferences are expensive in both real dollars and the time and attention it takes to plan and execute. When you multiply that times two it obviously represents an even bigger investment.

You also have to look at what Alfresco gets out of the conference. Alfresco is increasingly sales-focused. The conference has historically been focused on knowledge-sharing and camaraderie. Yes, there were deals closed at Alfresco Summit but it was not geared towards selling. It was more about coming together to share stories, good and bad.

The Alfresco Day events are unabashedly sales and marketing. The attendees (and they get very large turnouts) know this which means Alfresco does not have to apologize for coming off too sales-y. Multiple cities with hundreds of prospects is a better investment for them than two cities with 1400 attendees who are existing customers and community members.

As the guy who led DevCon and Alfresco Summit and together with my team grew it year after year, it is weird to see Alfresco cancel the conference for 2015. I was looking forward to attending.

As a member of The Order of the Bee, I’m intrigued by the challenge of using an all-volunteer organization to potentially put together a replacement conference of some sort. If you have any interest in helping and you did not see my email to the mailing list, we’ll probably be meeting next week to get organized. Reach out to me and I’ll add you to the invitation.

The plain truth about Alfresco’s open source ethos

There was a small flare-up on the Order of the Bee list this week. It started when someone suggested that the Community Edition (CE) versus Enterprise Edition comparison page on alfresco.com put CE in a negative light. In full disclosure, I collaborated with Marketing on that page when I worked for Alfresco. My goal at the time was to make sure that the comparison was fair and that it didn’t disparage Community Edition. I think it still passes that test and is similar to the comparison pages of other commercial open source companies.

My response to the original post to the list was that people shouldn’t bother trying to get the page changed. Why? Because how Alfresco Software, Inc. chooses to market their software is out-of-scope for the community. As long as the commercial company behind Alfresco doesn’t say anything untrue about Community Edition, the community shouldn’t care.

The fact that there is a commercial company behind Alfresco, that they are in the business of selling Enterprise support subscriptions, and at the same time have a vested interest in promoting the use of Community Edition to certain market segments is something you have to get your head around.

Actually there are a handful of things that you really need to understand and accept so you can be a happy member of the community. Here they are:

1. CE is distributed under LGPLv3 so it is open source.

If you need to put a label on it and you are a binary type of person, this is at the top of the list. Alfresco is “open source” because it is distributed under an OSI-approved license. A more fine-grained description is that it is “open core” because the same software is distributed under two different licenses, with the enterprise version being based on the free version and including features not available in the free version.

2. Committers will only ever be employees.

There have been various efforts over the years to get the community more involved in making direct code contributions. The most recent is that Aikau is on github and accepting pull requests. Maybe some day the core repository will be donated to Apache or some other foundation. Until then, if you want to commit directly to core, send a resume to Alfresco Software, Inc. I know they are hiring talented engineers.

3. Alfresco Software, Inc. is a commercial, for-profit business.

Already mentioned, but worth repeating: The company behind the software earns revenue from support subscriptions, and, increasingly, value-added features not available in the open source distribution. The company is going to do everything it can to maximize revenue. The community needs this to be the case because a portion of those resources support the community product. The company needs the community, so it won’t do anything to aggressively undermine adoption of the free product. You have to believe this to be true. A certain amount of trust is required for a symbiotic relationship to work.

4. “Open source” is not a guiding principle for the company.

Individuals within the company are ardent open source advocates and passionate and valued community members, but the organization as a whole does not use “open source” as a fundamental guiding principle. This should not be surprising when you consider that:

  1. “Drive Open Innovation” not “Open Source” is a core value to the company as publicly expressed on the Our Values page.
  2. The leadership team has no open source experience (except John Newton and PHH whose open source experience is Alfresco and Activiti).
  3. The community team doesn’t exist any more–the company has shifted to a “developer engagement” strategy rather than having a dedicated community leadership or advocacy team.

Accept the fact that this is a software company like any other, that distributes some of its software under an open source license and employs many talented people who spend a lot of their time (on- and off-hours) to further the efforts of the community. It is not a “everything-we-do-we-do-because-open-source” kind of company. It just isn’t.

5. Alfresco originally released under an open source license primarily as a go-to-market strategy

In the early days, open source was attractive to the company not because it wanted help building the software, but because the license undermined the position of proprietary vendors and because they hoped to gain market share quickly by leveraging the viral nature of freely-distributable software. Being open was an attractive (and highly marketable) contrast to the extremely closed and proprietary nature of legacy ECM vendors such as EMC and Microsoft.

I think John and Paul also hoped that the open and transparent nature of open source would lend itself to developer adoption, third-party integrations and add-ons, and a partner ecosystem, which it did.

I think it is this last one–the mismatch between the original motivations to release as open source and what we as a community expect from an open source project–that causes angst. The “open source” moniker attracts people who wish the project was more like an organic open source project than it can or ever will be.

For me, personally, I accepted these as givens a long time ago–none of them bother me any more. I am taking this gift that we’ve been given–a highly-functional, freely-distributable ECM platform–and I’m using it to help people. I’m no longer interested in holding the company to a dogmatic standard they never intended to be held to.

So be cool and do your thing

The “commercial” part of “commercial open source” creates a tension that is felt both internally and externally. Internal tension happens when decisions have to be made for the benefit of one side at the expense of the other. External tension happens when the community feels like the company isn’t always acting in their best interest and lacks the context or visibility needed to believe otherwise.

This tension is a natural by-product of the commercial open source model. It will always be there. Let’s acknowledge it, but I see no reason to antagonize it.

If you want to help the community around Alfresco, participate. Build something. Install the software and help others get it up and running. Join the Order of the Bee. If you want to help Alfresco with its marketing, send them your resume.

Book Review: Learning Alfresco Web Scripts

Packt Publishing recently sent me a copy of Learning Alfresco Web Scripts by Ramesh Chauhan to review in exchange for my thoughts on the book which I’ll share with you now…

Web Scripts are an essential part of Alfresco. If you are extending or customizing the platform and you have time to learn only one thing about it, web scripts might very well be that thing. The reason is that they are key to so much else you might want to do such as integrating Alfresco with a third party system or customizing Alfresco Share, which is, at its core, comprised of web scripts.

Most technical books on Alfresco give some attention to web scripts, but this one dives into the details. After reading it, you’ll know how to do simple things with web scripts and you’ll have some idea of how to do more complex work beyond understanding the Model-View-Controller basics.

While the comprehensiveness is a good thing, I think it also presents a bit of a challenge which comes down to this: Who is this book for? If it is for beginners, it needs a lot more examples and could cut back on a lot of the technical detail. If it is for experts, point to existing sources for the basics and drill deeper on the interesting technical topics.

I did see a couple of bad practices in the book. First, in the chapter on Java-backed web scripts (Ch. 6) the author provides an example Spring configuration XML file that injects the lower-cased Alfresco beans into the web script class. This may sound like a trivial nitpick, but it’s actually a big no-no that I see repeatedly. If you have good reason for using the unsecured, internal-only, lower-cased beans, explain it. Otherwise, stick to the public, secured, upper-cased beans so that beginners don’t pick up a bad habit.

Similarly, there is a part that discusses where web script files can live in the Alfresco WAR. The author does point out that the extension directory is “preferred” but I don’t think this is worded strongly enough. Those other locations should have been left out entirely or maybe it could have said, “Place your files only in the extension directory. While these other locations may technically work, you should never use them.”

I was happy to see the chapter on the Maven SDK and the discussion of AMPs. And I think putting the Eclipse details later was a good idea, as one of the features of web scripts is that you don’t have to use Java or an IDE of any kind if you don’t want to. The book doesn’t cover Surf, Aikau, or Share customization in any detail, and I think that was also a good decision as those areas are too fluid at the moment and because the singular focus on web scripts is one of the book’s assets.

Overall, Learning Alfresco Web Scripts is a very thorough and comprehensive treatment of an important technical topic for Alfresco developers.

You may be surprised at what’s not in Alfresco 5

4325797829_280db25ffe_zIt won’t be long before we’ll be celebrating Alfresco’s tenth birthday. Sniff, sniff, they grow up so fast!

As part of that growth, it’s only natural that certain areas of the product will reach their end-of-life. Since its first release we’ve seen very little pruning of old or obsolete features, but that changes with the Alfresco Community Edition 5.0.b release.

Some of the things that have been dropped won’t surprise anyone. Some I consider regressions and may actually come back quickly, at least I hope they do. The surprises have been handled a little sloppily–Richard Esplin, the current head of community apologized for that earlier this week, essentially saying it was due to the rush to get 5.0.b out in time for Alfresco Summit.

You can read Richard’s post and the release notes for the full list of feature removals. In this post I’ll call out the major items you will no longer find in Alfresco Community Edition as of 5.0.b.

Alfresco Explorer

If you’ve paid any attention to my blog or just about anyone else who speaks or writes about Alfresco you already knew to avoid the original JSF-based web client called “Alfresco Explorer”. It’s the original web client accessible at /alfresco.

Alfresco has been saying Explorer was going away for a long time and they’ve finally done it. If you fire up Alfresco 5.0.b Community Edition and go to /alfresco you’ll find our old friend is no more. Good night, sweet prince!

All of my clients have been focused on Alfresco Share for years so if the impact of the change was simply that you couldn’t log in to that old client any longer it wouldn’t be a big deal, but there has been some collateral damage, which brings us to the next section…

Workflow Console, Tenant Console, or Basically Any Console

Unfortunately, some vital consoles leveraged the same JSF code base as Alfresco Explorer. When that went, these consoles went as well. The old saying about babies and bathwater comes to mind.

The removal of the workflow console is particularly irksome. It’s critical to anyone doing anything with either Activiti or jBPM in Community Edition. In my opinion, this is the most important console of the bunch.

The data dictionary console is also gone, which is used to enable or disable hot-deployed content models. If you only use content models deployed as part of the WAR this won’t affect you.

The tenant console is also gone. This obviously won’t affect you unless you are using the multi-tenancy feature.

The AVM console is also gone, but then again, so is the AVM as I’ll touch on briefly next.

The frustrating thing about these missing consoles is that they aren’t planned to make a return until 5.1, according to Richard. That makes 5.0 Community Edition harder to use than it needs to be. It’s possible that Alfresco will make the console framework available so that the community can help get these back in place quickly.


The AVM is the ill-fated Web Content Management offering that Alfresco told you was reaching its End-of-Life back in February of 2012 so, again, you should not be surprised about this one. All but a handful of people have found other WCM solutions.


This one sparked a WTF moment on Twitter earlier in the month when I was shocked to realize that 5.0.b Community Edition required Solr to be fully functional. Without it, you can’t do a people search, for example. Actually, you can’t do a full-text search either. So in my book, this makes Solr required to run.

Prior to this change you could choose either Solr or Lucene. I often used Lucene locally because it was one less WAR to deal with and it was the default when doing a manual WAR install. Some people preferred Lucene’s in-transaction indexing over Solr’s asynchronous indexing and eventual consistency.

I understand that Solr is the way forward for Alfresco. It just felt like this one was a bit rushed. I don’t remember any public communication saying that Lucene would no longer be an option in 5.0. The Alfresco Product Support Status page doesn’t list it either. Richard’s post says, “When we added Solr to Alfresco 4, we deprecated Lucene.” That may be true, I’m just not sure Alfresco told anyone, although it is possible I missed it.

SDK, API, & Publishing Features

The release notes for 5.0.b includes a “Feature Removals” section. Noteworthy entries include:

  • The old Java SDK has now been replaced with the Maven-based SDK in Github. This has been a long time coming.
  • The CMIS API endpoints from 3.x and 4.0 have been removed (use the 4.2 URLs). People are constantly using the wrong CMIS service URL for their version. Maybe this will help that.
  • “CML” Web Services SOAP API. Another one that is past-due.
  • JCR / JCR-RMI. I rarely see this used.
  • URL Addressability API. Who needs it when you’ve got web scripts?
  • Social Publishing Features.
  • Blog Publishing Features

These are all positive changes and I suspect will help Alfresco a lot on the engineering and support side.

Future Removals

The release notes also include a note that NFS and jBPM are now officially deprecated. I’ve been expecting the jBPM removal for a while now. If you haven’t started moving everything to Activiti process definitions you should definitely do so now.

Getting the old stuff out of the distribution is great–I’m glad to see it. I hope that going forward Alfresco can do a better job communicating openly in a timely manner about major changes like dropping Lucene. It sounds like Richard is going to take that on as part of his new role in Product Management, which is a very good thing.


10 ways Alfresco customers can support the community

A prospective Alfresco customer recently asked me some of the ways an Alfresco customer can support the Alfresco community. Here’s what I said:

  1. Give your employees company time to answer questions in the forum or participate in the community in other ways. Perhaps set up an objective related to something on this list.
  2. Write a blog post about your experience with Alfresco (doesn’t have to be technical) then tweet the link with #Alfresco.
  3. Share your story at a meetup, Alfresco Summit, or some other conference.
  4. Make your office space available for local Alfresco meetups. If there isn’t a regular meetup in your area, start one and keep it going quarterly.
  5. If you customize Alfresco, take the customizations that don’t represent a competitive advantage to your business and contribute them to the community as freely-available addons. If you don’t want to take the time to package it up as a formal add-on, at least stick your code on github or a similar public code repository.
  6. Similar to the above, if you hire systems integrators, word your contracts such that they can contribute the code they write for you to the community. (Often the default language assigns IP ownership to the hiring party).
  7. If you choose Community Edition, give your time to the Order of the Bee so that you can help others be successful running Community Edition in production. The Order is particularly interested in Community Edition success stories at the moment.
  8. File helpful bug reports and make sure they are free of information specific to your business so that Alfresco will keep them public.
  9. If you not only find a bug but fix it, contribute the patch. One way to do that is to create a pull request on GitHub in the Alfresco Community Edition project then reference that pull request in an Alfresco Jira.
  10. If you see something wrong or missing on the wiki, log in and fix it.

Really, this list is mostly applicable to anyone that wants to participate in the community, not just customers. What did I leave out? Add more ideas in the comments.

What we’re dying to hear at Alfresco Summit

For the first time, ever, I will not be in attendance at this year’s annual Alfresco conference. I’m going to miss catching up with old friends, meeting new ones, learning, and sharing stories.

I’m also going to miss hearing what Alfresco has planned. Now, more than ever, Alfresco needs to inspire. As I won’t be there I need the rest of you to go to Alfresco Summit and take good notes for me. Here’s what you should be listening for…

What Are You Doing With the Money, Doug?

At last year’s conference Alfresco CEO, Doug Dennerline, made a quip about how much fun he was having spending all of the money Alfresco had amassed prior to his arrival. Now he’s secured another round of funding.

I think partners, customers, and the community want to hear what the specific plans are for all of that cash. In a Q&A with the community, Doug said he felt like there were too few sales people for a company the size of Alfresco’s. In the old days, Alfresco had an “inbound” model, where people would try the free stuff and call a sales person when they were ready for support. Doug is inverting that and going with a traditional “outbound” model. That obviously takes cash, and it may be critical for the company to grow to where Doug and the investors would like, but it is rather uninspiring to the rest of us. Where are the bold, audacious plans? Where is the disruption? Which brings me to my next theme to listen for…

Keep Alfresco Weird

Remember when Alfresco was different? It was open source. It was lightweight. It appealed to developers and consultants because it could approximate what a Documentum aircraft carrier could do but it had the agility of a speedboat. And, perhaps above all, it was cheap.

Now it feels like that free-wheeling soul, that maverick of ECM, that long-haired hippy love-child, born of a one-night stand between ECM and Linux, is looking in the mirror and realizing it has slowly become its father.

Maybe in some ways, growing up was necessary. Alfresco certainly feels more stable than years past. But what I want to hear is that the scrappiness is still there. I want to see some features that competitors haven’t thought of yet. I want to look into the eyes of the grown-up Alfresco and see (and believe) that the mischievous flicker of youth is still glowing, ready to shake things up.

Successfully Shoot the Gap Or Get Crushed?

Alfresco is in a unique position. There are the cloud-only players on one side who are beating Alfresco on some dimensions (ease-of-use, flawless file sync, ubiquity) and are, at least for now, losing to Alfresco on other dimensions (on-premises capability, security, business relevance). On the other side, you’ve got legacy players. Alfresco is still more nimble than they are, but with recent price increases, Alfresco can no longer beat them on price alone. That gap is either Alfresco’s opportunity or its demise.

Every day those cloud-only players add business-relevant functionality that their (huge) user base demands. They’ve got endless cash. And dear Lord, the marketing. If I have to read one more bullshit TechCrunch article about how Aaron Levie “invented” the alternative to ECM, I’m going to lose it. Bottom-line is that the cloud-only guys have their sites set on Alfresco’s bread-and-butter.

And those legacy vendors, the ones Alfresco initially disrupted with an open source model, are not only showing signs of life, but in some cases are actually introducing innovative functionality. If Alfresco turns away from the low-cost leader strategy they miss out on a huge lever needed to unseat incumbent vendors. “Openness” may not be enough to win in a toe-to-toe battle of function points.

So what exactly is the strategy for successfully shooting the gap? We’ve all heard the plans Alfresco has around providing content-centric business apps as SaaS offerings. That sounds great for the niche markets interested in those offerings. But that sounds more like one leg of the strategy, not the whole thing. I don’t think you’re fighting off Google, Microsoft, and Amazon with a few new SaaS offerings a year.

So Take Good Notes For Me

Alfresco has had two years to establish the office in the valley, to get their shit together, and to start kicking ass again. What I’m hoping is that at this year’s Alfresco Summit, they will give us credible details about how that $45 million is going to be spent in such a way as to make all of the customers, partners, employees, and community members glad they bet their businesses and careers on what was once an innovative, game-changing, start-up called Alfresco.

Take good notes and report back!

5 rules you must follow on every Alfresco project

I know that people are often thrown into an Alfresco project having never worked with it before. And I know that the platform is broad and the learning curve is steep. But there are some rules you simply have to follow when you make customizations or you could be creating a costly mess.

The single most important one is to use the extension mechanism. Let me convince you why it’s so important, then I’ll list the rest of the top five rules you must follow when customizing Alfresco.

All-too-often, people jump right in to hacking the files that are part of the distributed WARs. I see examples of it in the forums and other community channels and I see it in client projects. Not every once-in-a-while. All. Of. The. Time.

If you’ve stumbled on to this blog post because you are embarking on your first Alfresco project, let this be the one thing you take to heart: The extension mechanism is not optional. You must use it. If you ignore this advice and begin making changes to the files shipped with Alfresco you are entering a world of pain.

The extension points in Alfresco allow you to change just about every aspect of Alfresco Share and the underlying repository without touching a single file shipped with the product. And you can do so in a way that can be repeated as you move from environment to environment or when you need to re-apply your customizations after an upgrade.

“But I am too busy,” you say. “This needs to be done yesterday!”, you say. “I know JavaScript. I’m just going to make some tweaks to these components and that’s it. What’s the big deal?”

Has your Saturday Morning Self ever been really angry at things your Friday Night Self did without giving much consideration to the consequences? That’s what you’re doing when you start making changes to those files directly. Yes, it works, but you’ll be sorry eventually.

As soon as you change one of those files you’ve made it difficult or impossible to reliably set up the same software given a clean WAR. This makes it hard to:

  • Migrate your code, because it is hard to tell what’s changed across the many nooks and crannies of the Alfresco and Share WARs.
  • Determine whether problems you are seeing are Alfresco bugs or your bugs, because you can’t easily remove your customizations to get back to a vanilla distribution.
  • Perform upgrades, because you can’t simply drop in the new WARs and re-apply your customizations.

People ask for best practices around customizing Alfresco. Using the extension mechanism isn’t a “best practice”–it’s a rule. It’s like saying “Don’t cross the foul line” is a “best practice” when bowling. It’s not a best practice, it’s a rule.

So, to repeat, the first rule that you have to abide by is:

  1. Use the extension mechanism. Don’t touch a single file that was shipped inside alfresco.war or share.war. If you think you need to make a customization that requires you to do that I can almost guarantee you are doing it wrong. The official docs explain how to develop extensions.

Rounding out the top five:

  1. Get your own content model. Don’t add to Alfresco’s out-of-the-box content model XML or the examples that ship with the product. And don’t just copy-and-paste other models you find in tutorials. Those are just examples, people!
  2. Get your own namespace. Stay out of Alfresco’s namespace altogether. Don’t put your own web scripts in the existing Alfresco web script package structure. Don’t put your Java classes in Alfresco’s package structure. It’s called a “namespace”. It’s for your name and it keeps your stuff separate from everyone else’s.
  3. Package your customizations as an AMP. Change the structure of the AMP if you want–the tool allows that–but use an AMP. Seriously, I know there are problems with AMPs, but this is what we’re all using these days in the Alfresco world. Ideally you’ll have one for your “repo” tier changes and one for your “share” tier changes. An AMP gives you a nice little bundle you can hand to an Alfresco administrator and simply say, “Apply this AMP” and they’ll know exactly what to do with it.
  4. Create a repeatable build for your project. I don’t care what you use to do this, just use something, anything, to automate your build. If a blindfolded monkey can’t produce a working AMP from your source code you’re not done setting up your project yet. It’s frustrating that this has to be called out, because it should be as natural to a developer as breathing, but, alas, it does.

The Alfresco Maven SDK can really help you with all of these. If you use it to bootstrap your project, and then only make changes to the files in your project, you’re there. If you need help getting started with the Alfresco Maven SDK, read this.

These are the rules. They are non-negotiable. The rest of your code can be on the front page of The Daily WTF but if you stick to these rules at a minimum, you, your team, and everyone that comes after you will lead a much less stressful existence.

You might also be interested in my presentation, “What Every Developer Should Know About Alfresco“. And take a look at the lightning talk Peter Monks gave at last year’s Alfresco Summit which covers advice for building Alfresco modules.


Five new features in Alfresco 5.0 in about five minutes

Hopefully you saw that Alfresco 5.0.a Community Edition was released last week. Kevin Roast did a nice write-up on a few of the new features. I created a screencast based on his write-up. It is embedded below or use this link.

You might want to make the video full-screen and take the settings up to HD.

If you take a peek under the covers you’ll likely see that there are still some deprecated chunks of code hanging around, libraries that still need to be upgraded, and features you might have expected but that aren’t yet implemented. This is still an early release. You should expect several more named releases before Community Edition 5.0 stabilizes.

Use this release as a preview for what’s coming, to test your own add-ons, or to help find and report issues. If you are running Community Edition in production I’d stick with 4.2.f for now.

Alfresco Anti-Patterns: When You Probably Shouldn’t Use Alfresco

There are plenty of write-ups listing what Alfresco can do–I thought it might be instructive to list the things people often try to use Alfresco for but shouldn’t. I’ve got five examples in my list. The first two are common mistakes people make during product selection. The last three are more architectural.

Anti-Pattern #1: Dynamic Web Content Management (like Drupal or WordPress)

I think this is happening less, but every once in-a-while I’ll still see people trying to compare Alfresco to dynamic WCM platforms like Drupal or WordPress. Alfresco has very little in common with systems like these. If you install Alfresco and expect it to serve up a pretty web site out-of-the-box with downloadable themes and tons of modules or widgets you can use to add features to your web site, you’ll be disappointed. This isn’t a shortcoming of the tool, it’s just not what it was built for.

There are plenty of people who use Alfresco to manage assets that are eventually served up to the web. They’ll use Alfresco Share or a custom UI as the “administrative” interface for managing content. Then, they’ll push that content out to some other system on the presentation tier (Saks Fifth Avenue and New York Philharmonic are two examples).

There are partners who have created WCM solutions on top of Alfresco (see Crafter). Solutions like that leverage the power of Alfresco as a content repository and then add in the missing pieces, which are mostly about presentation layer, site building, and content creation.

The bottom-line is if you find yourself comparing out-of-the-box Alfresco to systems like Drupal or Wordress you have made a mistake in your evaluation.

Anti-Pattern #2: Full-featured wiki, portal, blog, forums, or calendar

I’ve encountered several people looking to replace major collaboration systems in their IT footprint with Alfresco. Maybe they’ve decided to use Alfresco for document management, but they want to see what else they might be able to replace. They have a wiki they want to replace, they see Alfresco has a wiki. Problem solved, right? This is where box-checking against a feature list gets you into trouble.

Alfresco is a document management repository with a powerful embedded workflow engine. Alfresco Share, the web client that sits on top of Alfresco, is great for basic document management, processes around documents, and team collaboration.

For teams and projects, Alfresco Share uses a “site” metaphor to keep everything related to that team or project together. Each site has a dashboard. Out-of-the-box “dashlets” can be used to summarize or highlight information stored in the site. Out-of-the-box, everyone sees the same dashboard for a site, which is configured by a site manager. There is no easy way for a power user to specify which dashlets should be restricted to which users or groups of users through the UI like there would be in a portal, for example. So, although dashlets look like “portlets” Alfresco Share doesn’t really have much else in common with portals. If you what you really want is a full-blown portal server you should look at something like Liferay or Exo.

Each site can also be configured with a number of collaborative tools such as discussions, blog, wiki, and calendar. These are more than adequate to facilitate most of what a team, project, or department needs. But none of them individually are going to replace full-featured, standalone systems. If you need the power of a full wiki, install MediaWiki. If you need a blog server, install WordPress. And so on.

Those are two where I see people making adjustments in their expectations early in the product evaluation phase. Now let’s look at a few that may not get uncovered until an architect or developer gets involved…

Anti-Pattern #3: Highly relational solutions

Alfresco relies on three main pillars to deliver its functionality: The file system, a search engine (Lucene or Solr), and a relational database. But you won’t be touching any of those directly. Instead, you’ll work with an abstraction which is simply, “the repository”.

Don’t be misled by the inclusion of a relational database as one of its dependencies. It is there to manage metadata. As you start to customize Alfresco to meet your specific requirements, you’ll define the content model. Alfresco will do the work of reading your content model and storing metadata for instances of those content types in the database.

Objects in the repository can be related to each other through “associations”. These are essentially pointers between one or more objects. There are a couple of challenges with these. First, they cannot easily be queried. You can ask an object for its associations and then you can iterate over those, but you cannot do a traditional “join” across objects.

For example, suppose you have a “whitepaper” object that has an association to one or more “product” objects. You cannot execute a single query that says “Give me all whitepapers containing the word ‘performance’ that are associated with the product named ‘Acme Widget'”.

One way people work around this is to de-normalize their data, then implement code that keeps it in sync. In this example, you could add a multi-value property on the whitepaper object that would store the names of the products a whitepaper is related to. Then you’d be able to run that example query.

If the name stored on the product object changes, your code would trigger an update on all corresponding whitepapers to keep the product name in sync. If you have a small number of such relationships with a reasonable number of objects on either side of the relationship this is fine, but you can see how it might quickly get out-of-hand.

So if your underlying data is highly-relational, don’t try to force it into an Alfresco content model. Instead, move the relational data to a database and use Alfresco only for the content pieces.

Anti-Pattern #4: JSON/XML object store

It’s really common to store chunks of JSON or XML as content in Alfresco. For example, maybe you have some data that isn’t expressed well as name-value pairs. Or maybe the content you need to manage just happens to be in one of those formats. But if that’s all you need to persist in the repository you really ought to be asking yourself why you are using Alfresco when there are many lighter-weight, more scalable technologies that are purpose-built for this.

One limitation of storing JSON or XML as content in Alfresco is that the repository has no semantic understanding of the content. For example, suppose you have a book object that is represented by JSON and you store that JSON as content. It’s likely that the JSON would contain properties like “title”, “author”, or “ISBN”. Out-of-the-box, none of those will be queryable by property. Alfresco will simply attempt to full-text index the content like any other content stream. It doesn’t understand the difference between “title” and “author” because that meaning is embedded in the content itself, not the object. The same is true for XML.

You can work around this by setting up metadata extractors to grab data out of the JSON or XML and store it in properties on the object. Then, you can query the object’s properties through Alfresco. But if all of your objects are similarly-structured it might make more sense to use a document-oriented NoSQL repository or an XML database instead. When you store a JSON document in something like Elasticsearch, Couch, or MongoDB, no extra work is necessary because those systems natively understand JSON.

Anti-Pattern #5: Storing lots of content-less objects

A content-less object is an object that lacks a content stream. It’s common to have one or two types of content-less objects in your Alfresco-based solution because there are usually good reasons to have objects that don’t have a file associated with them. Maybe you are storing some configuration as properties on an object, for example. But if you need to store nothing but content-less objects, you are throwing away many of the benefits you get from a repository like Alfresco that is built specifically for managing file-based content like full-text search, transformations, and file-based protocols.

If you just need to store objects that have properties but no file-based content, you might be better of with a document-oriented NoSQL repository or a key-value store.


As I mentioned at the start of the post, there are a lot of cases where Alfresco makes sense and you can find many of these around the net. The goal of this post was to list common misconceptions or even misuses of Alfresco that can cost you time and money.

Any time you invest in a platform you’ll find corner cases that the platform wasn’t meant to address and you can often work around those with code. What you don’t want to do, though, is have your entire system be a corner case relative to the platform’s sweet spot. That’s no fun for anybody.