I stumbled onto Elasticsearch’s search templates feature on my last project and it turned out to be really useful. I remember being surprised I hadn’t seen it mentioned anywhere. I’ve asked around at the last couple of meetups I’ve attended and it turns out many people don’t know about search templates, so I thought it might make a good post.
I’m going to give some context as to why this feature was useful, then I’ll show you how to use it. If you don’t want or need the context, feel free to skip to the next section.
Context: Real world use case for search templates
For this particular project we were using Elasticsearch as a content service. A set of front-end Single Page Applications (SPAs) query the content service. The content service returns content objects as JSON that match some criteria. Components in the SPAs format the objects as needed.
The content service is a Java-based API that sits between the SPAs and Elasticsearch. The API abstracts the Elasticsearch details and adds some business logic regarding which content to return beyond simply matching the parameters specified by the front-end.
A simple example of one type of business logic the API adds is publish date and expiration date handling. All of our JSON objects in Elasticsearch have a publish date and some have an expiration date. When the front-end asks the API for content, we only want to return content that is current–in other words the current date has to be greater than or equal to the publish date and less than the expiration date if an expiration date is set.
If you leave this up to the front-end, and if the API is open, then anyone can get any content object, regardless of effectivity, which, in our case, is a bad thing. Even if the API was locked down, there’s no reason to make each front-end application duplicate the date handling logic. So the API handles that and other business rules around fetching content and constructing a response.
The native Elasticsearch API is Java, so building and executing queries in Java is a very natural thing to do. However, as the service evolved, the part of our code responsible for constructing the query was at risk of becoming unwieldy. We also started to identify new types of queries the front-end needed to execute that didn’t fit cleanly into our existing query-building logic.
In addition to identifying new types of queries the API needed to support, we began to see that the front-end applications would need to be able to provide more than just a flat list of key-value pairs–at the very least they would need to ask for content with parameters that included arrays and dictionaries as well.
The service had reached a point where it needed flexibility in the number and type of queries it could run and the parameters it could accept, but we didn’t want to expose the full power (and complexity) of the Elasticsearch Query DSL. Search templates to the rescue.
What is an Elasticsearch Search Template?
(This section contains embedded gists. If you can’t see them you may need to enable JavaScript. If all else fails, the gists live here.)
An Elasticsearch search template is kind of like a stored procedure in a relational database. Really, it’s just a normal query with replacement variables, aka template parameters. The templates are expressed using Mustache.
Here’s a simple example:
That example specified the template and the parameters in the same request. Obviously, if you’re going to do that you might as well not use a template.
What you’d rather do is put the template somewhere and then invoke it. You have two options. You can index the template or you can put the template on the file system.
Here’s how you index a template:
And then you can call it, like this:
If you’d rather put the template on the file system, it goes in $ES_HOME/config/scripts and is named template-id.mustache. Once you’ve deployed the template to every node in your cluster, you can call it, like this:
You don’t have to restart the node when you update a search template. Elasticsearch picks up the changes automatically. If you watch the log when you update a search template you should see something like:
[2016-01-14 18:02:39,797][INFO ][script] [node01] compiling script file [/opt/elasticsearch/jtpcluster01/config/scripts/tweets.mustache]
Including conditionals in your search template
Suppose we want to return all tweets unless a “since” parameter is provided. If since is specified, the query should do a date range against the timestamp property using the value provided. Mustache has some support for conditionals. Here’s how it looks in a search template:
This template will conditionally add the date range check only if the “since” parameter is provided.
Note: Be careful of spacing here. I like to put a space between my curly braces and the parameter. But if you do that in the conditional, mustache won’t recognize it.
To get the tweets for the last 30 days, you’d call the search template like this:
And to get all of the tweets you’d just omit the since parameter.
As your templates get more complex you might take a look at this tool. It allows you to quickly see how your templated queries will render given a set of parameters.
Using negation to implement if-then-else logic
Suppose that instead of returning all tweets we want to return just the last day of tweets unless the since parameter is specified. You’d like to use an if-then-else in the Mustache template. Else isn’t specifically supported by Mustache, but we can use negation to achieve the same thing.
This template keeps the clause that does the date check if since is specified, but now adds a default date check if it is not:
If the date is specified in the since parameter, it works as it did before. If not, only the last day of tweets will be returned.
Working with Arrays
Something that is kind of annoying is how to handle arrays. You can iterate over an array with Mustache fairly easily. But Mustache doesn’t have a mechanism for checking a position in an array such as “isLast” or “hasNext”, so if you need to do something like that, you’ll end up making your own construct.
For example, suppose we want to be able to pass in a list of user names to the search template to restrict the list of tweets to those specific users. The easy way to handle that in our query is to use a terms filter, like this:
{ "terms": { "user": ["jeffpotts01", "elastic"] } }
But that doesn’t let me show how to work with arrays so I’m going to contrive the example to say that if a user list is provided, we need to add an “or” clause to the query with one term filter per user name.
To do that, we’ll require the list of users to be provided as a search template like this:
The template can check for the “userList” parameter to know whether or not to build the “or” clause. Then it can iterate over the “users” array, plucking out the name.
As the template iterates over the array, it needs to know whether or not it is on the last user. Otherwise it has no way of knowing whether or not to add the comma separating the term filters. Mustache can’t help us so the search parameter will include “isLast” set to true for the last user in the list.
Here’s a template that can handle the array of user names:
The result of calling the template above with the example user list is a query that looks like this:
With those simple constructs you ought to be able to create some very elaborate search templates.
Invoking search templates from the Java API
Back in the service layer, it is easy to invoke a search template with the Java API. Here’s how that looks:
In the real API, those params are getting POSTed to the endpoint.
Query changes without a code deployment
With search templates, we can add new queries and modify existing queries by creating and modifying search templates. This means for many adjustments, we don’t have to build and deploy the custom content service API code. And troubleshooting is easier too because we can invoke the same search template the service is using directly and not worry about whether or not the Java API is building the query we expect.
So the next time you find yourself writing code to construct an Elasticsearch query, ask yourself if it would make more sense to externalize it as a search template.