Tag: share

Alfresco Share Screencast Part Two

My colleague, John Eckman, has posted the second part of the Alfresco Share screencast at Optaros Labs. In this screencast I show how a couple of examples of custom share components. One is a team bookmarks component and the other is a status/microblogging component. These components were built with Surf and should work in any Surf-based web site. Obviously, that includes Share but could be other Surf sites that you build. We will make both components available as open source.

New Optaros Screencast: Alfresco Share Part One

My Optaros colleague, John Eckman, has been asking me to do this for some time so I finally caved and knocked it out. It’s a 12-minute screencast that shows the basics of Alfresco Share, an open source team collaboration tool which Alfresco markets as an alternative to Microsoft Sharepoint.

There’s also a “Part Two” which John will post on Optaros Labs next week that shows a couple of the custom Share components we developed. One is a Facebook-like “status” component and the other is a “team bookmarks” component. I’ll post the link when it’s up.

Share is pretty cool both from a functional perspective and with respect to the underlying technology. Share is built on Alfresco Surf plus a ton of YUI. The version I used in the screencast is 3.0.1 Enterprise.