Category: Content Management

Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Web Content Management (WCM), Document Management (DM). Whatever you call it this category covers market happenings and lessons learned.

New developerWorks article on cmislib

If you would like to learn more about cmislib, an open source CMIS client API for Python that works with any CMIS-compliant repository such as Alfresco, FileNet, Nuxeo, OpenText, and others, check out my new developerWorks article.

This is part one in a two-part series. In the second part, which will be published soon, Jay Brown from IBM talks about how he used cmislib to create an xcopy-like utility that copies images from a file system into any CMIS repository. As it does the copy, it inspects the image’s EXIF tags and if the target document type has corresponding properties, it populates those properties with the image metadata.

Drupal Open Atrium and Alfresco CMIS files

A lot of people have been asking for the files we used to integrate Alfresco CMIS with Drupal Open Atrium (See blog post). I’ve happily mailed those to whomever asked. I’ve had the intention of testing them with the latest version, cleaning them up, and putting somewhere more appropriate like the Open Atrium feature server, or at the very least, Google Code or GitHub. But it hasn’t happened yet so I figured I’d make them available here and appeal to the Community to give them a good home.

The zip includes a readme file with (very) rough install/config directions.

Good luck!

CMS trend: Commerce, Content, & Community Convergence

Have you noticed this trend? The worlds of eCommerce, Content, and Community are coming together. At Optaros we call these “the 3 C’s” and we’ve had so much interest in the convergence of the 3 C’s, we created a cloud-hosted SaaS offering around it called OCentric that combines Drupal, Magento, Solr, and other open source components into a single platform for ecommerce, WCM, community/social, and integrated search. But I don’t want to give you a product pitch. The reason why I bring this up at all is because I came across an interesting post at CMSWire today. It seems that open source WCM vendor dotCMS and ecommerce player KonaKart will be offering an integrated product later this year. I don’t know any of the specifics, but at a high level it seems to be aimed at providing functionality around the 3 C’s.

It makes sense to me that these areas are converging. “Community” as a feature of online retail experience is evolving beyond user reviews and blogs. As Facebook and Twitter use continues to grow, consumers expect those experiences to be incorporated into their online shopping in some way. As my colleague, John Eckman, put it, “People want the online equivalent of ‘Will these jeans make my ass look fat?'”. Until now, online shopping has been largely a solitary experience but community features can make online shopping more social.

Content is also becoming more important in the world of commerce, at least for certain types of retailers. I recently looked at about a dozen electronics retailers here in the US to understand how (and surprisingly, if) they were using content on their ecommerce sites. I figured electronics had the potential to be a category leader as it tends to be a heavily researched purchase. What I found was that the degree to which content was being leveraged depended heavily on the type of reailer: online presence tended to mirror offline presence. Crutchfield, a retailer that prides themselves on providing top-notch research and customer service, led the pack with their content efforts. Here are a couple of things that stuck out:

  • They’ve got tons of quality content that’s fully integrated with the shopping experience. If you’re reading an educational piece on Blu-Ray players, the content includes links to specific products. Conversely, if I’m looking at a specific Blue-Ray player I’m offered multiple links to specific pieces of research on Blu-Ray and Home Theater topics.
  • Search covers both products and content. On many sites, if they have search at all, it is one or the other, but not both. Beyond site-wide search, Crutchfield actually changes the format of the search results based on what I’m search for. Keywords that look like specific products give me a set of results that features product catalog entries while more “research-ish” looking terms (“Home Theater”) actually prioritize learning resources ahead of product catalog entries.

Can Your Commerce/WCM/Community Vendor Do That?

Traditionally, each of the 3 C’s has been addressed by a single vendor. Sure, maybe your WCM vendor has an integration with a shopping cart, but it won’t natively understand how to act like a product catalog. And your ecommerce vendor might offer some light content management for non-product catalog content, but it’s unlikely to provide much robustness around presentation templates, custom metadata, or workflow, and certainly won’t offer as much innovative community or social functionality as a full-fledged community platform.

Companies may decide to take a best-of-bread approach and integrate at the UI layer. It’s a lot of work to make the experience seamless. If you’ve got one tab for “shopping”, one for “research”, and one for “community”, but once you drill down into those, everything is silo’d, you aren’t there yet, in my opinion. And focusing on the presentation completely ignores the job of the web site producers and merchandisers who want to be able to cross reference tweets, blogs, and articles with specific SKU’s (and vice versa).

How will this convergence take shape?

So it seems to me like this is a very natural and valuable convergence. What do you think? Will commerce, content, and community become one? Open source players will continue to innovate along these lines but what about the stalwarts–do you expect to see many 3 C related acquisitions this year?

Updated Python CMIS library released

I’ve tagged and released a new version of cmislib, the Python CMIS client library. What’s cool about this release is that it is the first one known to work with more than one CMIS provider. Yea for interoperability! The beauty of CMIS, realized! Okay, it wasn’t that beautiful, it’s still “0.1”, and there are known issues. But I can now say the library works with both Alfresco and IBM FileNet and that’s a Good Thing.

IBM was a big help with this. Al Brown, one of the CMIS spec leads turned one of his colleagues, Jay Brown, onto cmislib. Jay called me up and asked, “If I give you access to a FileNet P8 server, can you test cmislib against it?” I was on it faster than you could say, “unittest.main()”.

I think the effort was valuable for all sides. Our little “mini plugfest” turned up issues in my client as well as both CMIS providers. Jay worked hard to chase down everything on the FileNet side. Dave Caruana chased a few down on the Alfresco side as well. Thanks to everyone for the team effort.

Anyway, give the new cmislib release a try and give me your feedback. If you want a feel for how easy it can be to work with CMIS repositories using the cmislib API, check out the documentation or dive right in. Installation is as easy as “easy_install cmislib” (easy_install instructions).

Next up is Nuxeo. Can the open source ECM vendor achieve cmislib Unit Test Greatness faster than Big Blue? We shall see!

Alfresco Share Status microblog component now supports 3.2 Enterprise

I’ve posted a new release of the Alfresco Share Status microblog component (original post). There are no new features–it’s just a few bug fixes. But one of the bugs was keeping it from working on 3.2 Enterprise. That’s now fixed, so if you’ve upgraded to Alfresco 3.2 Enterprise and you want to use this component in your Share sites, have at it.

Although I’ve tagged both the repository extensions and the surf extensions as “0.2”, only the surf extensions have changed since the last release. If you want to know specifically what’s changed, refer to the Release Notes.

Alfresco Developer Guide source code update for 3.2 Enterprise

I’ve updated the source code that accompanies the Alfresco Developer Guide to be compatible with the recent 3.2 Enterprise release of Alfresco. You can get the link from my original post on the source code re-org, or download it directly.

Most of it hasn’t changed terribly much. The BootstrapAuthorityCreator class, which you don’t need unless you are playing with the AMP example in Appendix C, isn’t working yet due to changes in the AuthorityService with 3.2 Enterprise.

The biggest change is in the LDAP configuration (Chapter 9). Overall, setting up LDAP authentication and chaining has gotten much easier in 3.2 Enterprise. But the configuration is much different than in previous releases (See the Alfresco wiki pages on Subsystems and the Authentication Subsystem for more info).

I don’t have CAS SSO working with 3.2 Enterprise quite yet, so the authentication filter included in the Chapter 9 source code is commented out for now.

cmislib: A CMIS client library for Python

I’ve started a new project on Google Code called cmislib. It is an interoperable client library for CMIS in Python that uses the Restful AtomPub Binding of a CMIS provider to perform CRUD and query functions on the repository.

I created it for a couple of reasons. First, it’s been bugging me that, unlike our Drupal Alfresco integration, our Django Alfresco integration does not use CMIS. After talking it over with one of our clients we decided it would make more sense to create a more general purpose CMIS API for Python that Django (and any other Python app) could leverage, rather than build CMIS support directly into the Django Alfresco integration.

Second, around the time I was putting together the Getting Started with CMIS tutorial, it struck me that there needed to be an API that didn’t have a lot of dependencies and was very easy to use. Otherwise, it’s too easy to get lost in the weeds and miss the whole point of CMIS: Easily working with rich content repositories, regardless of the underlying implementation.

Even if you’ve never worked with Python before, it is super easy to get started with cmislib. The install is less than 3 steps and the API should feel very natural to anyone that’s worked with a content repository before. Check it out.


  1. If you don’t have Python installed already, do so. I’ve only tested on Python 2.6 so unless you’re looking to help test, stick with that.
  2. If you don’t have setuptools installed already, do so. It’s a nice tool to use for installing Python packages.
  3. Once setuptools is installed, type easy_install cmislib

That’s all there is to it. Now you’re ready to connect to your favorite CMIS-compliant repository.


There’s nothing in cmislib that is specific to any particular vendor. Once you give it your CMIS provider’s service URL and some credentials, it figures out where to go from there. But I haven’t tested with anything other than Alfresco yet, and this thing is still hot out of the oven. If you want to help test it against other CMIS 1.0cd04 repositories I’d love the help.

Anyway, let’s look at some examples using Alfresco’s public CMIS repository.

  1. From the command-line, start the Python shell by typing python then hit enter.
  2. Python 2.6.3 (r263:75183, Oct 22 2009, 20:01:16)
    GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  3. Import the CmisClient and Repository classes:
  4. >>> from cmislib.model import CmisClient, Repository
  5. Point the CmisClient at the repository’s service URL
  6. >>> client = CmisClient('', 'admin', 'admin')
  7. Get the default repository for the service
  8. >>> repo = client.getDefaultRepository()
    >>> repo.getRepositoryId()
  9. Get the repository’s properties. This for-loop spits out everything cmislib knows about the repo.
  10. >>> repo.getRepositoryName()
        u'Main Repository'
    >>> info = repo.getRepositoryInfo()
    >>> for k,v in info.items():
        ...     print "%s:%s" % (k,v)
        cmisSpecificationTitle:Version 1.0 Committee Draft 04
        productVersion:3.2.0 (r2 2440)
        repositoryName:Main Repository
        productName:Alfresco Repository (Community)

Once you’ve got the Repository object you can start working with folders.

  1. Create a new folder in the root. You should name yours something unique.
  2. >>> root = repo.getRootFolder()
    >>> someFolder = root.createFolder('someFolder')
    >>> someFolder.getObjectId()
  3. Then, you can create some content:
  4. >>> someFile = open('test.txt', 'r')
    >>> someDoc = someFolder.createDocument('Test Document', contentFile=someFile)
  5. And, if you want, you can dump the properties of the newly-created document (this is a partial list):
  6. >>> props = someDoc.getProperties()
    >>> for k,v in props.items():
    ...     print '%s:%s' % (k,v)
  7. You can also use cmislib to run CMIS queries. Let’s find the doc we just created with a full-text search. (Note that I’m currently seeing a problem with Alfresco in which the CMIS service returns one less result than what’s really there):
  8. >>> results = repo.query("select * from cmis:document where contains('test')")
    >>> for result in results:
    ...     print result.getName()
    Test Document2
    example test script.js
  9. Alternatively, you can also get objects by their object ID or their path, like this:
  10. >>> someDoc = repo.getObjectByPath('/someFolder/Test Document')
    >>> someDoc.getObjectId()

Set Python loose on your CMIS repository

These are just a few examples meant to give you a feel for the API. There are several other things you can do with cmislib. The package comes with documentation so look there for more info. If you find any problems and you want to pitch in, you can check out the source from Google Code and create issues there as well.

Give this a try and let me know what you think.

[UPDATE: I had the wrong URL for the Alfresco-hosted CMIS service. It’s fixed now.]

Spring, Roo, and Alfresco Too: What Alfresco Gave to Spring and Why

Surf Logo

You’ll recall from my community event takeaways post in November that Alfresco announced plans around Surf, the Apache license, and Spring but the details were foggy at the time. This week, Alfresco and SpringSource announced that Surf, Web Scripts, and Web Studio have been donated to the Spring open source community under the Apache 2.0 license.

What is Surf?

Surf is a lightweight web application development framework. At a very high-level, Surf is essentially Alfresco Web Scripts (an MVC framework for binding URLs to server-side JavaScript/Java and Freemarker-based views) plus some page layout constructs and some built-in objects for connecting to and authenticating with remote HTTP end points, including Alfresco (See also “Alfresco UI Options” and “Surf Code Camp“).

Why Spring Surf Makes Sense

Alfresco’s team collaboration application, Alfresco Share, is built on top of the Surf framework and clients and partners, including Optaros, have built solutions on top of Surf. But so far, our experience has been that we probably could have built solutions faster using a different framework. One of the reasons is because you often can’t do everything you need to with Surf alone–it lacks services that would normally be provided by a broader framework. Your choice is either to re-create what’s missing or bolt on something that exists. So that’s the first reason why Surf becoming part of Spring makes sense. Spring is already a mature and widely-adopted framework. It’s much better to make Surf and Web Scripts part of an established framework (and community) than to try to grow Surf into a full-featured framework.

The second reason is more strategic. Alfresco sees a future dominated by CMIS (See “Getting Started with CMIS“). They want to be the go-to CMIS platform. From a repository perspective, they’ve been very active on this front. But development tools are going to be important, and although part of the beauty of CMIS is that it is tool-agnostic, I think SpringSource and Alfresco would obviously be pleased if their framework became a very natural and productive way to build CMIS apps.

Third, Alfresco doesn’t necessarily want to spend a lot of time on tools and frameworks if it doesn’t have to. Look at how much time Web Studio has languished in Community limbo–it’s clearly not a priority. If Surf catches on in the broader Spring community maybe Web Studio has a chance to turn into something. My guess is that SpringSource would prefer all development to take place within STS, its Eclipse-based IDE. Maybe Web Studio will get sucked into that somehow.

So what is Roo?

One of the things mentioned as part of the Spring Surf announcement is that Spring Roo integration is included. Spring Roo is pretty new so you might be wondering what that is. It’s pretty cool, actually. Basically, it’s a productivity tool for people who are building Spring apps. If you’ve ever worked with frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Grails, or Django, one of the first things you learn is how to use the command-line project scaffolding tools. Those tools make it easy for you to spin up and configure your project. Spring Roo is similar–it gives you a shell and a bunch of commands for things like setting up persistence, adding unit tests, and configuring security.

Spring Roo is extensible which is where Surf comes in. Let’s say you’ve created a Spring project and you want to use Surf as part of that project. All you have to do is go into your Roo shell and type “surf addon install”. No monkeying with the web.xml. No hunting for JAR files. It just happens. Next, suppose you want to add some Surf pages. Type “surf page create –id ‘SomeOtherPage’ –templateInstance home” and the XML is created for you in the right place (yes, the shell provides keyboard assist and hints so you don’t have to remember those commands).

Roo is definitely better appreciated by seeing it or trying it yourself. Michael Uzquiano did a short screencast showing the Spring Roo Surf extension. If you want to try Roo out yourself, go through Ben Alex’s “Getting Started with Spring Roo” posts.

Learn More

The bottom-line is that Surf becoming part of the Spring community is a good thing. You should check it out. The official Spring Surf page is the place to start. That’s where you’ll find the SVN URL, binary downloads, and links to other resources. There’s also going to be a webinar in January if you want to learn more.

Forrester says 2010 looks good for ECM

Forrester has released the results from its 2009 Global Enterprise Content Management Online Survey. Here are a few of the things that jumped out at me…

72% of respondents plan on increasing their ECM investments in the coming year. That’s certainly good news. Of those increasing their investment, the big drivers are content sharing, compliance, search, and automation, which are all typical reasons to roll out a content management solution.

When asked to list the vendors that supply them with ECM solutions, 63% of respondents included Microsoft with EMC a distant second at 35%. (I kind of expected that Microsoft number to be higher). OpenText/Vignette (29%) and IBM (28%) were clustered right around there with a third clump forming around Autonomy/Interwoven (19%), Oracle (17%), and Alfresco (14%). The only other open source ECM players explicitly named were KnowledgeTree and Nuxeo, each with 1%. Almost a third of respondents also listed “Other, please specify” but Forrester doesn’t provide the list of write-ins. I assume it is a bunch of small, niche or homegrown solutions because the usual suspects were listed as explicit choices. Still, this chart and the one following that shows that nearly 3/4 of respondents have 2 or more ECM solutions in-house confirms what we’ve seen in our Optaros clients: Most people haven’t settled on a single ECM provider.

A little more than 1 in 4 of respondents were unsatisfied with their ECM solution. Of those, 41% blamed the solution itself as failing to “live up to expectations” followed by the usual grab bag of non-technical reasons IT projects fail. I would have liked to see a follow-up that dissected the various ways the solution fell short. Was it not able to do something you thought it was going to be able to do? Was stability an issue? Scale? Bad support experience? Or was it just that the beans you were told were magic turned out to be just plain old beans?

As my college stats teacher was fond of saying, “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics,” so take all of this with a grain of salt.